Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2104: Lu Jingchen! You can't die!

How could Wan Jiawen's struggle shake the ship?

His desperate action not only couldn't help him get rid of the iron chain, but made the iron chain tie his neck tighter and tighter.

Soon, Wan Jiawen lost his breath.

Qiao Qiao was exhausted and fell to the ground. It took him a long time to stand up again.

She remembered that Lu Jingchen was chasing Wan Qingshu, and immediately looked into the distance and saw that Lu Jingchen and Wan Qingshu were already fighting together.

There is no lifeboat on the boat. There is only a very ordinary kayak, which must be slid past by people.

Qiao Qiao didn't think much, and quickly got into the kayak and rowed towards Lu Jingchen and the others.

Lu Jingchen completely suppressed Wan Qingshu in terms of physical strength and ability.

But Wan Qingshu wanted to fight a fish to die and break the net, and it also showed great ability.

But in the end, Lu Jingchen knocked him down.

Lu Jingchen grabbed him and said, "Wan Qingshu, over the years, you have destroyed the stability of the country and used the lives and deaths of countless people as a bargaining chip in your conspiracy. This time, you will never escape."

He grabbed Wanqingshu and stood up.

However, I didn't expect that Wan Qingshu suddenly pulled open his clothes, revealing the contents inside.

Lu Jingchen immediately saw clearly that there were rows of bombs tied to his body.

It seemed that Wan Qingshu was ready today, and if he couldn't escape, he would never let others catch him.

Seeing Lu Jingchen's look surprised, Wan Qingshu couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Lu Jingchen, even if I die today, it's worth it to be able to hold you back with me!"

After he finished speaking, all the bombs on his body had been detonated.

Lu Jingchen jumped into the water as fast as he could, but the explosion stirred up huge waves.

The fragments of the explosion also began to shoot out fiercely around.

The flesh and blood limbs of the Evergreen Tree were also turned into fragments, and a **** color was set off in the entire wave.

Jojo watched this scene and shouted: "No!"

Her kayak was also overturned by the waves, and she was thrown into the waves.

She struggled to get up, unable to distinguish tears or sea water on her face.

Looking at Lu Jingchen's direction, the sea water was stained red by blood water, and then quickly dispersed and merged into more sea water. After a while, the sea water returned to its original state.

Was the person who died just now Wan Qingshu or Lu Jingchen?

Or is it the two of them?

Qiao Qiao didn't dare to think, she gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "Lu Jingchen, you can't die! You haven't made it clear to me about the Qiao family! You can't die!"

She rolled over and got on the kayak again, rowing forward continuously.

There was tingling pain on her face, I don't know if it was tears or sea water that was pricking her injured skin.

"Lu Jingchen! Lu Jingchen!" Qiao Qiao shouted loudly toward the calm sea.

There was no one around, Qiao Qiao stood up, unwilling to admit the result, she shouted: "Lu Jingchen! Lu Jingchen! You can't die! Lu Jingchen, you come back for me!"

There was no response from all around.

There was a dead silence on the sea, and there was no other sound except the wind blowing the sea gently.

Qiao Qiao continued to call Lu Jingchen's name loudly.

But there was no response at all around.

Qiaoqiao was tired and desperate, squatting down and couldn't help crying.

Lu Jingchen, how could you just die like this?

Lu Jingchen, how can you die!

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