Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2105: do not blame you

Lu Jingchen, you can't die!

Jojo looked at the empty sea and couldn't help crying in despair.

Lu Jingchen, is he really gone?

Lu Jingchen... this name echoed in her heart repeatedly.

Suddenly, when the kayak moved, a figure turned towards the kayak.

Qiao Qiao immediately turned around and saw a somewhat embarrassed figure climbing up.

She recognized it as Lu Jingchen at a glance.

She hurriedly reached out and grabbed him, her crying with a smile: "Lu Jingchen, you are not dead yet."

She couldn't help but laugh, and hurriedly pulled him up again.

Lu Jingchen turned over onto the kayak.

Qiao Qiao finally showed a smile: "Lu Jingchen, you really are not dead yet."

She bent down and hugged Lu Jingchen.

Lu Jingchen also stretched out his long arms and hugged her tightly.

Jojo was filled with joy and murmured: "I forbid you to die, do you know?"

Lu Jingchen nodded slightly. When he was in the water just now, he was injured by the Evergreen Tree bomb, and he had no energy to swim anymore.

It was faintly, when he heard Qiaoqiao's shout, he rekindled his fighting spirit and desire to survive-looking, and swam towards her kayak.

Had it not been for Joe Joe, he might have sunk to the bottom of the sea now.

Qiaoqiao hugged him for a long time, only to realize that his face was too pale.

She panicked: "Lu Jingchen, are you okay?"

She saw him bleed continuously, it should be the explosion just now, which injured him.

The fragments of the explosion were flying everywhere, and there must be fragments that hurt him.

Qiao Qiao lowered his head, leaned to his face, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Lu Jingchen, cheer up, you can't die. We'll go back right away, and there will be a doctor when we reach the bank. Lu Jingchen, you promise me, you promise me……"

She recklessly paddled towards the shore. The kayak had no power equipment and could only get past by paddling by herself.

Qiaoqiao kept paddling, even if exhausted, he breathed a sigh of relief and persisted.

Finally, reinforcements from Lu Jingchen began to appear on the shore.

Immediately someone came over with a lifeboat and took Qiao Qiao and Lu Jingchen into the case.

"Lu Jingchen is injured. He needs surgery. Be careful."

"I know, Miss Qiao, we have a doctor with us." The visitor was very respectful towards Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao watched Lu Jingchen being taken over by the doctor, and was relieved. She accompanied Lu Jingchen and asked, "Where is Wen Xuan?"

"Young Master Wen Xuan is here." The reinforcements had already received Wen Xuan for the first time.

Wen Xuan was hugged over, Qiao Qiao hugged his small body, tears pouring out wantonly.

No wonder Wen Xuan said: "I'm sorry, Qiao Qiao, it's all my fault. I shouldn't go to the wedding scene, otherwise I won't cause these things... I'm sorry..."

"Don't blame you, Wenxuan, don't blame you." Qiaoqiao whispered, holding his cheek, "We are not good, and did not give you a safe environment. The place where you live should be the best place in country c." In a safe place, all innocent people like you should have such a safe environment. You are right, it is the people who rebelled against the country, and they brought the innocent you and other people, this kind of chaos. You That's right."

When the people around heard Qiaoqiao's words, they felt that their responsibilities were heavier.

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