Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2106: Hurt the head

Who can say no? In country C, the safest place is the capital, especially the royal family.

It is precisely because of people like Wan Qingshu and Lu Yunxiu that countless innocent people, like Wen Xuan, are in danger.

As soldiers, as members of the royal family, they are most responsible.

Being taken away by Wan Qingshu is not something a five-year-old child can control himself, especially at the wedding scene.

Those who should bear the responsibility are adults who protect their homes and the country.

Qiaoqiao's words reminded them of their responsibilities and made them aware of their responsibilities.

Qiao Qiao hugged Wenxuan and whispered: "It's okay, Jing Chen and I have captured all the bad guys. They will be brought to justice, and they will never be able to threaten innocent people in the future. Jing Chen has been working hard to provide a safe environment for all people in country c."

Wen Xuan nodded heavily.

Qiao Qiao looked back at Lu Jingchen and asked, "Doctor, how is Jing Chen's condition?"

"In addition to some external injuries, your Royal Highness's injuries were inserted into the head by fragments from the explosion. Now an operation must be performed immediately to remove this fragment. Otherwise, he will be very dangerous." The doctor said.

They have now boarded the helicopter so that they can return to the hospital for treatment as quickly as possible.

When Qiao Qiao heard this, his heart sank and bit his lip: "Then I beg you. Jing Chen is very important to us and to the entire C country. Please do your best."

"Miss Joe, we will do our best," the doctor said.

The helicopter quickly arrived at the best hospital.

Lu Jingchen was sent to the ward.

All members of the royal family who heard the news rushed over.

Gao Chi and Cheng Deyuan also rushed over, and the two of them were also injured.

It turned out that after Qiao Qiao and Lu Jingchen left, they also joined the team to kill the remnants of thousands of families who hurriedly jumped over the wall.

The people of Wanjia ran around, some even entered the block, which is a great threat to civilians.

After Gao Chi and Cheng Deyuan joined, they began to kill these remnants. Although they were wounded, they finally helped kill all the remnants of thousands of families or arrested them.

The two of them rushed over when they heard the news that Jojo was back.

"Qiao Qiao." Gao Chi and Cheng Deyuan breathed a sigh of relief when Qiao Qiao ignored them.

"You go and rest first." Qiao Qiao said, shaking her head slightly. At this moment, all her thoughts are on Lu Jingchen, and she doesn't want to care about other unnecessary things.

Gao Chi and Cheng Deyuan thought for a while, and said, "Let's stay here too."

Lu Jingchen was still undergoing surgery in the ward.

Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei sat at the place closest to the operating room, their faces full of worries.

Lu Yiyang and Yun Jin did not speak either.

On the side, there are still Mingye Leng, Lin Motong, An Qi, An Che and others from country s, as well as Ming Rui, Ming Lang, Ming Caiyue, Ming Jing, An Ning and others who have grown up.

They came from country s to attend Lu Jingchen's wedding.

Now that such a big event has happened, Lu Jingchen was even injured and admitted to the hospital. Everyone looked worried and stood here waiting.

Qiaoqiao knew that it was not appropriate to stand here in his own capacity.

There is no relationship between her and Lu Jingchen, except for fighting side by side.

But she still did not leave.

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