Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2118: Too intimate action

Lu Jingchen's jaw head.

These aftermath matters, he safely left them to his parents to deal with.

Farewell to his parents and sister, and then he strode towards his ward.

Jojo was in the hospital bed and just woke up.

She was too tired just now, and fell asleep all at once, unknowingly, she let go of Lu Jingchen's hand.

When he woke up, he found that he was empty in his hands, and Jojo panicked.

"Lu Jingchen?" She immediately called his name.

She sat up and found herself in a bed, but Lu Jingchen was not there at all.

"Lu Jingchen? Where are you?" She panicked even more. He was seriously injured and never woke up. Could it be that after she fell asleep, the injury worsened and the doctor took him away?

When she thought of this, Qiao Qiao's whole heart was panic. She ran to the outside in a panic, "Lu Jingchen, Lu Jingchen!"

Lu Jingchen just came in, and Qiao Qiao slammed into his arms.

He stretched out his long arms, wrapped her around her waist, took her into his arms, and hugged her heavily.

"Lu Jingchen!" There was a cry in Qiao Qiao's voice, his face buried on his chest, and couldn't help crying, "Where have you been?"

She held him tightly, tears streaming down her eyes.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Lu Jingchen hugged her tightly, resting his chin on her hair, and said softly, "Hey, don't cry, I'm okay."

"I'm really afraid that something happened to you and taken away by the doctor..." Qiao Qiao was mixed with emotions, and couldn't help tears anyway.

"No, the doctor said I'm recovering well." Lu Jingchen clasped her finger, "Hey, look up at me."

Qiaoqiao finally raised his tearful eyes and looked at him seriously.

His handsome face was printed in her eyes, and he was looking at her with a smile. At this moment, he was gentle and affectionate, and his eyes were like water.

Jojo stretched out his palm and held his cheek: "Are you really all right?"

"It's really okay. The doctor said, just rest for a few days." Lu Jingchen shook her hand, "Look at..."

He took her hand, touched his angular face, stroked his shoulder, all the touch was clear and real, and finally a smile appeared on Jojo's face.

Realizing that she was too intimate with him, she was a little shy, and embarrassedly wanted to withdraw her hand.

Lu Jingchen held her hand very tightly, not allowing her to remove it.

Jojo still wants to break away.

"Don't do that, Qiaoqiao. Don't leave me." Lu Jingchen held her hand and said softly and softly.

Qiaoqiao's face blushed slightly and said: "Let go of me, it's not good to be seen."

"No one will see it. And, what if someone sees her?" Lu Jingchen pulled her closer and wrapped her in his arms.

"You're about to get married..." Qiao Qiao said here, and couldn't say anymore. Wan Jiazhi is dead. Although Wan Jiazhi is very unpleasant, but the deceased is dead, she doesn't want to say anything. Up.

Lu Jingchen shook her hand: "You know that Wan Jiazhi and I are not real. You understand now, do you?"

"Yeah." Jojo lowered his head.

She did know that the relationship between him and Wan Jiazhi had always been dull.

Lu Jingchen has never had much affection for Wan Jiazhi.

It's just that she never thought that there would be so many entanglements.

She whispered: "Wan Jiazhi's parents, are you involved in this matter?"

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