Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2119: None of your business

"Yes. It's just that Wanqingshu didn't participate as much. And they were also very thief and prepared with two hands. On the one hand, they wanted to rebel, but they were worried that they would be disadvantaged, and they wanted to marry the royal family. How can this be the case Good thing?" Lu Jingchen said, "I have sent someone to arrest them. As for Wan Jiazhi... She was killed by Wan Qingshu himself and has nothing to do with us."

Jojo nodded slightly.

"And even if she didn't die, since the entire Wanjia was involved in this matter, she definitely wouldn't be really innocent." Lu Jingchen said, holding her hand to his lips, "Why are we talking about them? ? There are only two of us now, it has nothing to do with them."

"It's okay if you're okay." Qiaoqiao now saw him standing in front of him peacefully, worrying finally dissipated, looked at him, and whispered.

"I still have something..." Lu Jingchen whispered.

"What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable? I'll accompany you to see the doctor." Qiao Qiao said immediately, worried.

He took her hand and whispered: "If you want to leave me, I will have something to do. If you are not by my side, I will never be good."

"You!" Jojo couldn't help but punch him.

"Now something really happened..." Lu Jingchen frowned painfully.

Qiao Qiao hurriedly reached out and rubbed it for him, and Lu Jingchen turned to smile.

"By the way, did my parents come back?" Qiao Qiao remembered something, "Can I see them now?"

"Sure." Lu Jingchen nodded, "Go."

Qiaoqiao jumped up in joy and walked forward quickly.

Lu Jingchen strode forward and stayed with her.

At the door, Qiao Qiao was a little embarrassed, remembering that he was actually Qiao Zhen. He hadn't told Lu Jingchen about this matter, and now he didn't know how to say it.

She couldn't help saying, "Jing Chen, can you wait for me here? I want to meet them alone first."

With her careful thinking, Lu Jingchen understood in her heart, she probably thought he still didn't know that she was Qiao Zhen.

Lu Jingchen smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Jojo walked in.

Although Qiao Longzhi and Mrs. Qiao both said they would take a break, they were still not willing to take a break when they thought of seeing their daughter. They were waiting.

At this moment, Jojo walked in.

Mrs. Joe recognized her at a glance. After all, this was the daughter she had been with for nearly twenty years. She burst into tears.

Qiaoqiao quickly walked to her side and hugged her: "Mom!"

"Qiao Zhen!" Mrs. Joe hugged Qiao Qiao, crying out loud, "Mom always thought you passed away at that time, so good, you are still alive, you are still alive..."

"Parents, I didn't die. At the time I thought it was the royal family who killed you, so when the mission ended, I didn't come back incognito. Mom and Dad, I worried you." Qiaoqiao cried.

"We didn't tell you anything, and made you worry for so many years. Really, really made you suffer." Mrs. Qiao held her daughter and looked at her up and down. Seeing her well, her eyes finally revealed It's comforting.

Qiao Longzhi couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "It's true that your parents are not good. In the past, letting you pretend to be a man dressed as a man would cause you so many things. It is your parents who can't help you."

"It's none of your business." Jojo shook his head. "Parents, it's all my own choice. It's okay. Don't blame yourself. By the way, what about Grandpa?"

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