Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2120: Is his own son

"Grandpa is not in good spirits. He always thought you were gone, so he had some emotional problems. I asked him to go back and rest first." Qiao Longzhi said, couldn't help but smile, "Now seeing you, he will definitely be happy. We haven't told him about your identity..."

"I'm afraid that he will be unhappy after saying that...Why, I'll go back to see him in men's clothing first, and I will talk to him about other things slowly." Qiao Qiao said.

One of Qiao Long thought, "Your grandpa's heart is not very good, and he has been very tired in the past few years. I really can't resist such a big blow. Let's talk slowly."

"By the way, where's the child? Where's my child?" Qiao Qiao asked, "Since Qiao's family is all right, then that child..."

She thought of Wen Xuan, that child, is Wen Xuan?

Her heart throbbed.

Mrs. Qiao said softly: "The child, because of the urgency of the task, we took him by our side, worrying about hurting his safety, so we temporarily gave him to the royal family for temporary care. However, we did not explain the child to the royal family. The identity is just to tell the royal family that this is a child of the Qiao family. It is very important to the Qiao family. Please take care of them properly."

Qiaoqiao was hit by something in his heart, and tears almost fell.

Mrs. Qiao hurriedly pulled her: "I'm sorry, really, we didn't do this well. It stands to reason, we should take care of words, but at that time we really couldn't help ourselves. He was so young and couldn't follow us. Go on an adventure..."

Qiao Qiao shook her head. She didn't blame her parents for these, they had already paid a lot for the country.

How could she bear to blame them?

"Is the royal family bad to the children?" Mrs. Joe asked nervously, "the royal family did nothing to the children, right?"

Qiaoqiao shook his head: "No, don't worry, mom, they are very good with words. They are really good with words."

Yanyan is Wenxuan, and Wenxuan is Yanyan, the son of Qiaozhen.

Thinking of this, Qiaoqiao's heart is soft and warm.

Over the years, Lu Jingchen has always treated words as his own, which made her feel very heartwarming.

She has always suspected that Wen Xuan is her son, and now it is confirmed that Qiao Qiao is so happy, so happy.

She stretched out her hand and hugged her parents: "I'm also taking care of Yanyan, he is very good, parents can rest assured."

"Right, really... Does Lu Jingchen know that Yanyan is your child?" Qiao Longzhi and Mrs. Qiao asked worriedly.

They have seen Lu Jingchen's feelings towards Qiao Qiao.

But Qiao Qiao gave birth to a child many years ago, and his father is unknown, which makes Qiao Longzhi and his wife very worried.

Qiao Qiao remembered what happened back then, rubbed the tip of his nose, a little embarrassed, and then slowly said, "No, I haven't said...Also, I haven't said to him as a woman dressed as a man...I It has always appeared as Joe's twin sister..."

Qiao Longzhi and his wife looked at her worriedly.

"Parents, don't worry about this matter, don't worry about my identity, I'll tell him myself." Qiaoqiao whispered.

Qiao Longzhi originally wanted to say that Lu Jingchen already knew that she was Qiao Zhen, but seeing her daughter's shy air, and Lu Jingchen asked them to keep a secret at the time, Qiao Longzhi glanced at Mrs. Qiao, but neither of them said anything.

When my daughter grows up, she has always been able to take on important tasks.

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