Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2130: child……

The usual indifference is completely gone, and the ascetic appearance in military uniforms has completely disappeared.

In front of Jojo, he was gentle and affectionate, and the smile on his face infected Jojo.

"So what I want to say is finished, what do you want to tell me?" Lu Jingchen asked.

After confirming this answer, he was in a very good mood. He was waiting to hear what Jojo said.

Qiao Qiao raised his face and looked at him: "Jing Chen, I'm sorry, that was the time I was with you... I was pregnant with a child, but I didn't dare to tell you..."

"So the child... is gone?" Lu Jingchen thought the child was gone when she said sorry.

Sadness flashed in his eyes, but it was even more distressed for Jojo.

The absence of the child was the biggest blow to her body and mind.

He did not expect her to endure so much.

"No, the child is still... Do you remember that I took a year off because of my injury? I thought at the time that I would disguise myself as a man for the rest of my life. I would never get married, nor would I tell anyone the truth. Maybe he will always be alone, so when I found the child, I originally didn’t want it, but then I selfishly left him. I named him Yanyan, Qiao Yan, I hope he can become a “yan” A boy who believes and acts must be fruitful. Later, when my parents go to perform the task, I am not there anymore. My parents handed over Yanyan to you because they did not know who his father was, so they never treated you. Said his true identity..."

Lu Jingchen listened to her.

Every word of her made him feel even more distressed. She has undertaken so much for the family and the country.

When she finished speaking, he reacted with ecstasy in his eyes: "So...that is Wen Xuan? Yan Yan is Wen Xuan?"

"Well. If Wen Xuan is the child that your parents handed over to you, then he is Yanyan, our child." Qiaoqiao said softly, with joy in his words.

"It's him. It's him." Lu Jingchen couldn't hide his joy. "It's Wen Xuan. In the past few years, Wen Xuan has been growing up under our care. I didn't even know that he is my son..."

"I'm sorry...I concealed what a big deal about you." Qiao Qiao was indeed very guilty when he saw that he was so happy.

"Don't blame you. The only thing I have to blame for you is that you dare to bear so much by yourself. Have you ever thought that if you really don't say anything, you will bear everything, and you might lose me forever "Lu Jingchen couldn't blame her for coming, but when he thought that if it weren't for all kinds of accidents, she would live by herself for a lifetime, he hadn't considered being with him at all, he was still a little angry.

He doesn't care about anything, the only person who cares is her.

But her plan turned out to be living alone with Wen Xuan.

Qiaoqiao saw him being happy, angry and self-blaming, and he was a little self-blaming: "Will you forgive me now?"

"Of course." Lu Jingchen hugged her tightly into his arms and whispered, "No wonder I met Wenxuan at the same time. Over the years, I have personally taken care of him when he grows up. Although I don't know he is his biological father and son, he is still like a father. After all, he did not lose his responsibility as a father."

"I didn't say anyone before. Even parents didn't know that Wenxuan was your son." Qiaoqiao blushed shyly, "I have to explain to them then."

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