Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2131: The royal voice is rising

Lu Jingchen rubbed her hair amusedly: "My parents know that they will be happy, you don't have to worry so much. I will explain this matter to them."

"Well," Jojo was relieved now.


Regarding Wan Qingshu and Lu Yunxiu's treason, the royal family made a public statement three days later.

In a live news broadcast facing the people across the country, Lu Zhanting made it clear to everyone.

"The stability and unity of the country has always been the goal of the royal family and the goal of all people. This is the foundation for all people to live and work in peace and contentment, and it is also the healthy environment that each of us expects."

"All people or groups who split the country and try to make profits will not succeed and will be severely punished by the law. All troops and soldiers are fighting to protect the interests of the country and the people."

Lu Zhanting's statement was solemn and powerful.

The voice of support for the royal family is unprecedentedly high.

The party members of Wan Qingshu and Lu Yunxiu also received the severe punishment they deserved.

This matter finally came to an end.

Lu Jingchen's injury was not serious, and it was all over.

Because the Qiao family is still being renovated, Qiao Longzhi and his wife and Mr. Qiao have moved out of the military and moved into an old house of the Lu family.

On the day they moved in, Qiao Longzhi and his wife were very surprised. Everything here was very well prepared. Although it is the old house of the Lu family, many of the decorations and habits are based on the taste of Qiao's family.

I can see that Lu Jingchen is really attentive.

Because it was the first day to move, Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao both had to go back in person.

Today, Qiao Qiao is a men's wear. Because she hasn't explained her identity to Mr. Qiao, she can't show up in women's wear for the time being, for fear that it will be too exciting for her grandpa.

This matter must be said slowly.

Wen Xuan stood by, looking at them eagerly.

Qiao Qiao hadn't told him about his life experience yet, so he thought Qiao Qiao and Lu Jingchen were going out and would never take him with him.

Yun Jin was afraid that Qiao Qiao would be embarrassed, so she immediately said, "Wen Xuan, I found a place where there are very delicious candied haws. Would you like to buy candied haws with my aunt today?"

Although Wen Xuan also liked Yun Jin very much, he still looked at Qiao Qiao eagerly and wanted to be with Qiao Qiao.

Qiaoqiao is very grateful for Yunjin's understanding, but this time, how could she not bring Wenxuan with him?

She would take care of his emotions when she didn't know that Wen Xuan was her own child.

Needless to say now.

"Yun Jin, no need, I'll just take Wen Xuan back together." Qiao Qiao said immediately.

"But...Jojo, are you really convenient?" Yun Jin asked with a smile.

"It's okay." Qiao Qiao reached out and took Wen Xuan.

Wen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes and smiled, and followed Qiao Qiao.

His childish voice: "Qiaoqiao, why do you want to dress like a boy?"

"Because... Qiao Qiao is also a soldier." Qiao Qiao said with a smile, "Girls can also be soldiers."

Yun Jin laughed out loud, looked around Qiaoqiao back and forth, and said, "You really have a set of dressing up as men's clothes. It's really hard to see. Silly, why didn't I think of dressing up as men? I thought that way. My dad didn’t agree to go to the army. I knew I should pretend to be a man..."

"If you want to pretend to be a man, I caught you the first time." Lu Jingchen said.

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