Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2132: Never separate

"Yes, Qiao Qiao has been dressed in men's clothing since he was a child, so this gesture is really heroic. Myself, I really want to be on fire." Yun Jin said regretfully.

Jojo couldn't help laughing.

Yun Jin said: "Qiao Qiao, when you used to be Qiao Zhen, you were so decisive. At that time, you refused to marry me... I really didn't expect that you are a girl or a well-rounded girl. You are like you. My sister-in-law is pretty good too..."

"Poor mouth." Lu Jingchen patted her.

"Okay, I'm not poor anymore. You go back soon. Don't let Uncle Job and Aunt Qiao wait for a long time. Say hello to them on my behalf." Yun Jin said with a smile.

Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao took Wen Xuan into the car.

Wen Xuan was obedient and curious all the way: "I haven't met Qiao Qiao's family yet, will it be too bothersome to go there?"

"No," Qiao Qiao said in a low voice, "Wen Xuan, there is actually something that Jing Chen and I haven't told you..."

"What is it?" Wen Xuan looked at Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao seriously, smiling very cutely.

"Wen Xuan, in fact, your mother is me, and my father is Jing Chen." Qiao Qiao finally said straightforwardly.

Wen Xuan's eyes opened wide, staring at Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao and Lu Jingchen have been discussing for a long time, and they must explain this matter to him.

They didn't want Wen Xuan to leave regrets since he was a child, and they didn't want him to have any psychological shadows about it.

Seeing him like this, Qiao Qiao was about to explain. Wen Xuan suddenly hugged her, with a big smile on his face: "Really? Is Qiao Qiao real? You and Jing Chen are not talking to me. Are you kidding me?"

"No, actually we..." Qiao Qiao was about to speak.

"That's great! Great, Jojo, you're my mommy!" Wen Xuan interrupted Qiao Qiao's words all of a sudden. He accepted this matter without any psychological pressure at all, "Jojo, In fact, since you appeared, I wanted a mom like you. It's really nice that you are my mom!"

Unexpectedly, he accepted this fact so quickly.

Qiao Qiao and Lu Jingchen looked at each other, both distressed him and felt very pleased. Wen Xuan has always been so warm, probably because in the royal family, he has always received a lot of love, so he has always maintained such frankness with others. And warm attitude.

He raised his head and looked at Lu Jingchen: "There is also Jing Chen, I have always compared you to my dad. You have always been taking care of me. Although you didn't let me call your dad, I will compare you to you. I respect it as a dad."

Lu Jingchen's tough face appeared soft, and he reached out and touched his head.

"So Jing Chen and Qiao Qiao will not be separated from now on, and will always be with me, right?" Wen Xuan asked in a good mood.

"Yes. The three of us will never be separated from now on." Lu Jingchen nodded solemnly.

Wen Xuan was at ease all at once.

Perhaps the internal reasons, he still has many things he can't understand.

But the acceptance of Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao is so high that no one would have imagined.

Qiao Qiao glanced at Lu Jingchen and said, "It's Grandpa's side now. Just tell Grandpa clearly."

"Okay, I'll accompany you to tell Grandpa." Lu Jingchen smiled and shook Qiaoqiao's hand.

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