Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2170: Never felt

"Okay." Mo Chenyi nodded, "Let's go together."

He passed the mineral water in his hand to Minglang and Yunjin.

Ming Lang and Yun Jin walked forward talking and laughing, Mo Yanbai smiled and looked at their backs, with a petting look in their eyes.

At the cold drink shop, Yunjin and Minglang sat down to eat ice cream.

Mo Yanbai ordered coffee.

Speaking of Yunjin going back to school on Sunday afternoon, Mo Yanbai said softly, "Yunjin, I will send you there."

"Sister Yun Jin has always gone by herself." Brightly smiled, "She was in school, and no one had ever known her identity, Brother Xiaobai, don't give it away. And my parents also said. Not knowing her identity is a good thing for Sister Yun Jin. It can save her a lot of trouble."

"Really?" Mo Yanbai looked at Yunjin.

Yun Jin smiled at him.

Mo Yanbai also knew that this was the free identity she wanted.

Exposing her identity can indeed make her more comfortable in school.

But without revealing her identity, she has the freedom she wants.

"Brother Xiaobai doesn't need to send me off, I can go back by myself." Yun Jin smiled.

"Good." Mo Yanbai nodded.


On Sunday afternoon, Yun Jin will leave Ming's home and go back to school.

The closed management police academy will have courses on Sunday night.

As usual, Yunjin refused to arrange a pick-up and drop-off for Mingye Leng, and walked out by herself.

There is still a while from the Ming family to the official road. After all, the entire road outside the Ming family belongs to the Ming family and is not open to the outside world.

But for Yun Jin, this way, she should be taken to exercise.

She got on the bus, which was very crowded. Jingzhou City is always like this. There are too many people and traffic jams.

Yunjin chose to stand in the back row.

When the car had passed several stops, a man came in.

Yun Jin saw that he was a little familiar, and suddenly his face flushed, remembering that she fell asleep on his shoulder that day.

Seeing where he got on the bus, he should live here.

In other words, he should get off the car the last time he got here.

It was just because she was asleep that he delayed getting off the bus for several stops?

Thinking of this, Yun Jin felt even more embarrassed, feeling that he owed him a lot.

She was thinking about it, and the man walked up to her and stood beside her.

He also found Yun Jin, and turned his head to greet her with a smile.

"Hi." Yun Jin also smiled.

There are many people, crowded with each other.

Yun Jin almost couldn't stand still, but fortunately, he reached out and held her by the shoulders, so she didn't fall.

His palm rested on her shoulder, and there was a reassuring touch.

When Yunjin stood there, he immediately let go, looking very gentleman.

"Thank you." Yun Jin thanked immediately.

"It's okay." He said, his voice still mellow and nice.

He was wearing a white shirt and short hair. He was handsome and a little alienated.

Yun Jin lowered her head, feeling her heartbeat suddenly speed up and her face was hot again.

This was a feeling she had never felt before. She had never seen so many boys before.

There are at least dozens of boys who have pursued her, but none of them has made her blush.

It was crowded again, he held Yun Jin's shoulders smoothly, and separated her with a space where she could stand down without being too crowded.

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