Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2171: Criminal Investigation Division

In this way, Yunjin Station can be made more comfortable.

Yun Jin herself felt a little unbelievable. She felt this way about a man who had only met.

From the first day I saw him, she would have such a mentality.

With more and more people, the space between him and Yunjin is getting smaller and smaller.

Yun Jin was almost squeezed into his arms.

To be honest, Yunjin has rarely experienced such hardship since she was young.

She is the little princess in the royal family, from childhood to grandeur, everything is the best, and she has never suffered any grievances.

Although I have taken a bus in the past few weekends, there has never been such a crowd. It is like coming back on Friday and there are even seats.

At this moment, she was really a bit too squeezed to bear.

Fortunately, a lot of people got off the bus at first, and finally there are seats.

The man took her into his arms and placed her on the seat.

Yun Jin's complexion was flushed, and he didn't know if it was too crowded and hypoxic, or if he was hypoxic in front of him.

"Are you okay?" He turned his head and talked to Yun Jin, his voice warm and pleasant.

Yunjin has slowed down.

She has good physical fitness, which is nothing at all.

She shook her head hurriedly: "It's all right."

The tip of his nose was about to touch her lips, Yun Jin instinctively flinched back.

At this time, the car had arrived at the station, and Yun Jin hurriedly passed him, fleeing like getting off the car.

She got out of the car, ran a few steps quickly, and heard someone saying hello to her. It turned out to be Ai Jia, her roommate.

Yun Jin smiled: "Ai Jia, are you back too?"

"Yeah, hurry up to class." Ai Jia smiled, "You look good, where did you go on weekends?"

"I went to stay at my uncle's house for two days." Yun Jin left arm in arm with her.

When the man got out of the car, all he saw was Yun Jin's back.

He stared slightly in her direction, and a car stopped beside him.

"Master, the master said please go back as soon as possible, and discuss with you if you have something." The subordinate whispered.

"Yeah." He nodded lightly, and his subordinate immediately took a suit jacket and put it on him, opened the door, and respectfully asked him to get in the car.

As soon as he got in the car, his phone rang, he picked it up, and his father's voice came across from him: "Ji Wei, there are some arrangements for you here..."

"I'll be back soon." Shen Jiwei said calmly, and then hung up the phone.

Yun Jin and Ai Jia entered the school.

Although the police academy's curriculum is also very rigorous, it is still much better than the military academy.

Yunjin is also very comfortable here.

Ai Jia is her roommate and her best friend after coming here. After entering the school with Ai Jia, she began to concentrate on the courses.

As for the man I met on the bus, although he disturbed her heart, Yun Jin didn't think that he would have an intersection with him.

After all, it's just a meeting on the water, and I don't know if I will meet again in the future.

The next few days will be a peaceful life.

This week, Yun Jin did not go to Mingye Leng, because the courses this month were heavier, so she stayed in the dormitory to review.

"Yun Jin, tomorrow there will be seniors who have already graduated, come and talk to us about criminal investigation." Ai Jia did not leave either. After going out to buy daily necessities, she came back excitedly.

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