Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2182: Can hold it

Even the points that two people like to wear white shirts are the same.

So... it's completely unexpected to like the same girl, right?

The shoulder that Yun Jin leaned on the bus last time was Shen Jiwei's.

After parting with Yun Jin, he went abroad to deal with it for a while and only now came back.

But I didn't expect that the current Yunjin would be with Song Yancheng...

"Master, the information you asked us to check has been found. Her name is Lu Yunjin..."

Before they could finish speaking, Shen Jiwei waved his hand to stop them from continuing.

"Young Master." The subordinate did not dare to say anything more, standing in front of him respectfully.

Seeing this, Shen Jiwei didn't want to know her information anymore, and the information they found was completely unnecessary.

Song Yancheng took Yunjin into the car before letting go, turning his head and whispering, "It may take a long time to process the case tonight. If you get tired later, you can rest by my side."

At present, there is such a big thing happening around, and it is safest to keep her by her side.

"Yeah." Yun Jin was warm in her heart. She did not reject him when she was with him, and even had a faint joy in her heart.

Maybe something really sprouted in my heart.

As if afraid that Yunjin was worried, Song Yancheng suddenly turned his head and kissed her forehead.

He also seemed to be taken aback by his sudden behavior, and immediately sat down tightly and drove the car out.

Yun Jin reached out and touched her cheek, feeling a little hot.

Shen Jiwei saw all this in his eyes, and in his sight, Song Yancheng's car finally disappeared completely in the distance.

Then he closed his eyes and said coldly: "Go back."

The subordinate immediately collected all the information about Yunjin, and did not dare to show it to Shen Jiwei.

Song Yancheng arrived at the destination and got off the bus with Yunjin.

The police wool was pulled up at the scene, and here, it was much worse than the case handled in the afternoon.

More people died, the scene was more chaotic, and the fresh and thick blood filled the air, which made people feel sick.

"It is preliminarily determined that there are at least two dead. There are two others not far away." The police officers looked solemnly. For such a case, it is the first time that some old police officers have seen this kind of case. .

Song Yancheng entered the state immediately and looked at it with concentration.

Yun Jin stayed by his side for a moment, always busy.

I don’t know how long it took, Song Yancheng stepped back and frowned slightly when Yun Jin was still there, "I didn’t let someone accompany you to rest?"

"No, I can hold it." Yun Jin smiled, "This opportunity is good, I will work hard. Don't worry, senior, I won't hold you back."

Song Yancheng did not speak any more.

When he entered the state, he was completely different from usual.

Usually he is gentle and elegant, at this moment dignified and serious, he seems to be completely immersed in another world, a world that no one else can enter.

Yun Jin was able to keep up with his rhythm and pace, so he recorded it quickly.

She is indeed a little tired, but watching other police officers are still busy, she thinks this is nothing.

After finishing all the places, she was too sleepy to open her eyes.

Song Yancheng seemed to have thought of something and said, "Follow me to the police station immediately!"

He grabbed Yunjin, stuffed her into his car, and drove all the way.

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