Yun Jin was infected by his nervousness, tense his nerves, and his sleepiness disappeared.

When he arrived at the police station, Song Yancheng said, "I want information on all civil disputes the year before, June last year, and the year before the first year. I want it now!"

When other police officers heard it, they hurried to find.

Song Yancheng sat down.

His mind was spinning fast, every muscle line on his face was taut, obviously moving at high speed.

Yun Jin knows in his heart that if this case continues like this, there may be more similar cases.

Therefore, as long as Song Yancheng has clues, he will never stop. He must identify the suspect as soon as possible and catch the suspect as soon as possible to protect other citizens from being affected.

Yun Jin sat aside, and soon the police officer brought the information. Song Yancheng picked it up and immediately commanded the people around him: "I need a civil case about personal property rights and all relevant information. Everyone can find out as soon as possible."

Everyone is busy searching carefully.

Yun Jin also looked down.

The police station's files are as many as feathers, accumulating like several big mountains.

Everyone dare not neglect, they have heavy responsibilities, and a sense of responsibility drives themselves.

Finally, Yun Jin pulled out a bunch of materials and asked, "Senior, is this it?"

"Yes, that's it." Song Yancheng got the information and read the files again.

The others are relieved.

Some police officers are temporarily okay, lying on the side to rest.

Yun Jin was too sleepy, lying on the table, and soon fell asleep.

Song Yancheng unknowingly read the information all night, and when he raised his eyes, the window was already pale.

He tilted his head and saw Yun Jin was sleeping peacefully, and a touch of distress flashed in his eyes.

"Officer Song, Yun Jin is asleep. Why don't you let me do something?" A police officer hurried over and said.

"No, I need to hold a meeting first to discuss the case." Song Yancheng said, "I will find everyone immediately."

"it is good."

Song Yancheng sat next to Yunjin, took off his coat and covered her.

He didn't work long hours, and became a popular man in the police station because he cracked a major case.

Once in the working state, he will show innate leadership, and other police officers will be willing to follow his deployment.

But in the entire police station, there are many people with more qualifications than him, and he has become a thorn in their eyes for this.

When the meeting attendees arrived, the chief of the police station also came and said with a smile, "Xiao Song, what kind of meeting? It's so early in the morning, don't you rush."

"Director, if the bad guys are not caught right away, more people will be affected." Song Yancheng said, "It's better to have a meeting right away."

"Well, well, I will take the lead in this case, and you can cooperate." The director beckoned, "Guo Tong, follow along and learn from Xiao Song."

Guo Tong is the director's son. Although he came to study, he hasn't shown up since he vomited yesterday.

Song Yancheng looked at Guo Tong and said lightly: "I can't learn to talk about it. Now I just want to have a meeting quickly to inform everyone of the situation, catch the suspect as soon as possible, and resolve the crisis."

"Okay. Then everyone will have a meeting." The director said with a smile, but there was not much kindness in his smile.

The others were all sweating for Song Yancheng.

Director Guo is a jealous and capable person. Song Yancheng is too popular. Although his position is still very low, his reputation has already overwhelmed Director Guo.

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