Director Guo was eager to do this, and said, "It's okay. Fang Yi, Guo Tong is injured. It is not convenient for you to take him away. Song Yancheng will replace him. Do you agree?"

Fang Yi looked down at Guo Tong's leg and broke the bone. He finally said, "Okay, change one."

Song Yancheng threw all his guns aside, raised his hands, and walked towards Fang Yi.

When he reached Fang Yi's side, Fang Yi pushed Guo Tong away and pulled Song Yancheng to his side.

But at the same time, Song Yancheng pushed Fang Yi hard and hit his wrist hard.

Fang Yi's gun landed at the sound, but it also went off fire, and the bullet hit Song Yancheng.

Song Yancheng was hit, but still punched, punching Fang Yi.

He stretched out his hand to open the window during the fight.

Mo Yanbai's sniper outside seized the opportunity and pulled the trigger at Fang Yi.

With the shot, Fang Yi was shot in the head and fell to the ground.

Everything is calm.

Director Guo shouted: "The suspect was killed, everyone clean up the scene!"

At the same time, Song Yancheng, who was hit by a bullet, also fell.

The scene began to chaos again.

Yun Jin was taken to the hospital and soon woke up.

She just had a wound on her neck, and the injury was not serious. The doctor said that she only needs to recuperate.

Mo Yanbai stood outside her ward. The first thing Yun Jin did when she woke up was to immediately ask, "Where is the senior? Where is Song Yancheng? Where is he? What happened to him?"

His footsteps froze for a while, and finally did not stop, turned and left.

The police officer on the side said, "Yun Jin, you are also worried. Officer Song should be fine after the operation."

"Where did he hurt? What's the matter?" Yun Jin asked immediately.

"Yunjin, don't worry, you are hurting... Yunjin..."

Yun Jin ran out.

Song Yancheng's operating room was still lit with red lights.

Director Guo was waiting with a few police officers.

Guo Tong was also standing outside. Although he was also injured and fractured his leg, he had already undergone an operation. Because it was a trauma, the problem was not big.

Yun Jin rushed over, and Director Guo said, "Yun Jin, don't be too impulsive. Xiao Song will be fine after the operation. It is useless if you are anxious."

Yun Jin bowed her head, tears falling.

Not knowing how long it has passed, the door of the operating room opened and the doctor walked out.

"Doctor, how about senior?" Yun Jin stepped forward and grabbed the doctor's hand.

"The bullet has been taken out. It's really dangerous. The bullet almost hit his heart. Fortunately, the operation has been done now, and he should wake up soon. But... I really need to recuperate for a while. Up."

Yun Jin breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn't stop her tears.

Director Guo smiled and said, "I said Xiao Song will be fine. We sent him to the hospital in time. All aspects are also in place. This time, Xiao Song made a lot of credit. Now He woke up, it was gratifying."

Listening to her playing officialdom, Yun Jin only felt nauseous.

She exclaimed: "If you were not eager to succeed, but you were stupid and didn't listen to your senior's opinion, seniors wouldn't have such a problem!"

Director Guo's face changed.

Yun Jin strode towards Song Yancheng's ward.

The other police officers were busy bowing their heads, pretending not to hear Yun Jin's words.

Although Yunjin told the truth, it was also what they said in their hearts.

Song Yancheng was pushed to the ward after the operation.

He hadn't woke up yet, his face was pale, and the huge gauze on his chest was shocking.

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