Yun Jin stepped forward and held his palm, feeling very sad.

"Senior, you will be fine. You will wake up."

Yun Jin stood by.

The nurse came in and said, "Miss Lu, why don't you go back and rest first. The police station has told us to take good care of Officer Song, and I will notify you when he wakes up."

"It's okay, I'll be right here."

Yun Jin's cell phone rang, and she picked it up.

It was Mo Yanbai calling.

Her nose is sour: "Brother Xiaobai."

"Yunjin." Mo Yanbai was already in the car, Fang Yi was dead, so he didn't stay anymore.

He couldn't face her so heartbreaking for another man.

"Is there anything wrong with Brother Xiaobai?"

"No more..." Mo Yanbai finally said, "I just heard a little bit about your case, and I want to ask if you are good."

He didn't want her to know that he had rescued her at the most critical moment.

Even... he left no trace of existence.

"I'm fine, Brother Xiaobai. Please don't tell your uncle, grandpa and grandma, and my second brother about this matter, lest they worry."

"I will. I'll hang up when I'm fine."

Mo Yanbai hung up the phone.

Yun Jin went back and guarded Song Yancheng's side.

Song Yancheng woke up the next day. When he woke up, he raised his hand and touched Yunjin's furry head.

"Yunjin..." His dry voice was slightly hoarse.

"Senior!" Yun Jin opened his sleepy eyes and shed tears of joy when he saw Song Yancheng wake up.

"Don't cry, I'm fine." Song Yancheng patted her head comfortingly.

Yun Jin wiped her tears: "Well, I'll call a doctor. Do you want to drink water? Or want something to eat?"

"No. I just want to take a good look at you." Song Yancheng stretched out his hand and stroked the gauze on her neck. She was also injured.

He remembered that she was in the arms of a man, and there was no doubt that that man saved her in Fang Yi's hands.

Vaguely remember, she said that it was her cousin?

Yun Jin reached out and rang the bell, notified the doctor, and then looked at him with tears in a smile.

Song Yancheng felt a little distressed for her: "Fool, you committed a risk yourself for the sake of two formal police officers. Why are you so stupid? I let them take care of you, not you."

"It's okay...I think I know Fang Yi after all, so I can drag him a little bit. I don't know what to say to him to drag him when I change to the other two police officers."

Because of Yunjin, the two police officers escaped from the conference room and informed Song Yancheng that they would come back in time.

The two police officers were also unharmed.

Yunjin is courageous and strategic, this time he has made a lot of credit.

"It's silly." Song Yancheng was distressed and afraid.

The doctor came over and checked Song Yancheng.

Yun Jin waited anxiously on the sidelines.

"Officer Song is all right, the operation was successful. Now I only need to rest and wait for the wound to heal." The doctor said with a smile.

Yun Jin smiled and sent the doctor out.

When she came back, Song Yancheng embraced her again.

"Little Song, I brought reporters and colleagues to see you." Director Guo's voice sounded.

Yun Jin hurriedly got out of his embrace.

"Director Guo." Yun Jin stood up.

Director Guo stepped forward, grabbed Song Yancheng's hand, and introduced to reporters: "This is Song Yancheng who is cooperating with us this time, Xiao Song! In order to catch the murderer, he was injured just like Guo Tong. Heavier."

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