Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2207: You have the ability to protect yourself

"It's okay." Yun Jin smiled tiredly.

"Guo Tong didn't bother you anymore, right?" Ai Jia looked up and down Yunjin.

"No, he was beaten by his dad, that's right."

Ai Jia was surprised: "I heard that Guo Tong is the young master of the family. Is his father willing to beat him for this matter?"

"Maybe his father thinks he has done too much about this." Yun Jin picked up the book, "Let's go, let's go to class."

"And the scar on your neck, I didn't have time to ask you yesterday, what's the matter?"

Yun Jin briefly said to Ai Jia, Ai Jia was too envious: "So you tried to beat the murderer this time. I don't know when I have such a chance."

"There will be. In the future, when you become a glorious policewoman, there will be more opportunities." Yun Jin smiled, and her mood improved a lot.

She is not a little girl who is stuck with her own emotions, and quickly adjusted her mindset.

Ai Jia saw that Yunjin was okay, Guo Tong should have been punished and all of them had been punished, so she didn't ask any more, just questioning many details of Yunjin's case, she was curious and envious.

The following week was very peaceful, except that everyone had been discussing the case of Fang Yi before, nothing else happened.

Yun Jin had seen the vice principal several times in the school. He was completely okay. He didn't seem to remember that he once recognized Fang Yi as his son, but never managed him.

Before people, he completely put aside the relationship with Fang Yi.

Yun Jin is really worthless for Fang Yi.

Although Fang Yi is also an unblinking murderer, his so many years of experience have forced people to reach this point, and it is not entirely his own cause.

Seeing the faces of the vice-principal and others, Yun Jin only felt ugly.

School was over on Friday afternoon, and Song Yancheng did not come to pick up Yunjin because of something.

When Yun Jin went out, a Ming family subordinate stood in front of her in a formal dress: "Miss, Lord Leng, please go back."

Yun Jin nodded, and as soon as he got into the car, he received a cold call from tomorrow night: "Yun Jin, how come such a dangerous thing happened, don't you tell me? You will come back now."

Returning to the cold residence tomorrow night, his expression was quite serious, Yun Jin hurried forward: "Uncle."

"I didn't expect that you participated in Fang Yi's case last time." Tonight coldly put away the newspaper, "Yun Jin, you have just grown up. If something happens, how can I explain to your parents?"

"Uncle..." Yun Jin realized that he was wrong, and his voice became quieter.

"A Leng, Yun Jin is fine now, so don't blame her." Lin Motong walked behind him and gently helped him squeeze his shoulders while saying, "Yun Jin was definitely not intentional."

Ming Ye Leng has never had a temper with Lin Motong, and his voice softened: "Yun Jin, you can't go to such a dangerous place in the future. Even if you want to go, you have to tell us."

"Yes, I know about uncle. But uncle, I will always be a policeman in the future, and it is impossible to report to you every time, right?"

Ming Ye's cold expression became serious again, Lin Motong hurriedly finished the game: "Let's eat first."

Ming Ye Leng always loves Yun Wei, but when Yun Wei is not there, he cares about Yun Jin as his own daughter. Naturally, he is not willing to make such dangerous actions by Yun Jin.

"If you graduate later and you have the ability to protect yourself, let's talk about those problems. How old are you now." Ming Ye Leng couldn't help but feel distressed when she saw the wounds on her neck.

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