Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2208: Happy little joy

"Let me take a look." He stepped forward, checked the scar on Yunjin's neck, and explained to Aunt Qin, "There is a medicine for removing scars at home. I will find it for Yunjin later."

"Thank you, uncle, I know that uncle is the best." Yun Jin knows that Ming Ye Leng is always knives and tofu.

Ming Ye sneered and said: "Go to dinner. Tongtong prepared chopped pepper fish head for you, your favorite."

Ming Lang, who had not spoken a moment ago, also smiled and said, "Sister, come soon, I can't wait to eat. Seeing my dad scare you, I was scared."

"If you want to be obedient, will you be scared?" Ming Ye said coldly.

The serious atmosphere just now became relaxed, and suddenly there were laughter at home.

Yun Jin asked secretly: "Uncle, Brother Xiaobai tells you about my injury?"

"Do you need him to tell?" Ming Ye said coldly, "I didn't tell your parents and your elder brother about this. The price is that you must not do such dangerous things in the future."

"I see, good uncle." Yun Jin smiled and picked him up vegetables, "I know that uncle is the most magical, knows everything, and loves me the most."

Ming Ye sneered and said, "You also eat more."

"Sister, go out with me tomorrow." Ming Lang said while slurping rice, "I'm going to die by myself."

"You are taking an exam, are you still playing around?" Ming Ye gave him a cold look.

Minglang stuck out his tongue, he was treated completely differently from Yun Jin in front of Ming Ye Leng.

"I have something to do tomorrow, and I have to go back to school to review." Yun Jin said softly, "You also review well. When you pass the exam, sister will take you to a place farther away."

"Yes." Minglang was happy.

Lin Motong picked Yunjin with vegetables: "Don't worry about him, just take care of your own affairs."

"Yeah." Yun Jin nodded.

Early the next morning, Yun Jin returned to school.

Probably because of the wrong time, she did not meet Song Yancheng in the car.

However, she thought that he also had a car himself, and it was only occasional to take the bus, so it was not surprising that he did not encounter it.

She hadn't arrived at school yet, Song Yancheng called her and asked her if she had time.

"Yes, yes." Yun Jin immediately responded.

"Then I'll pick you up. May I take you to a place?"

"Yeah." Yun Jin nodded heavily.

When Song Yancheng's car came, Yun Jin got off the bus and got into his car.

"Just say I didn't meet you today, so you drove by yourself." Yun Jin smiled.

"Meet me?" Song Yancheng was a little strange.

Yun Jin pointed out the window: "You see a rainbow! It's so beautiful! I want to take it!"

Song Yancheng didn't worry about Yunjin's words just now, and said, "It rained heavily before, and it's not surprising that there are rainbows."

Yunjin is so happy.

She is a little girl with a disposition. Along the way, the swaying trees, the scent of grass, and the blooming flowers all let her carry the little joy of simple happiness.

Her appearance, even with the mood that made Song Yancheng feel good at first, has also become better.

"Look over there, there are cornfields! This is the second time I have seen cornfields!" Yun Jin got off the car and ran over, grabbing the fresh corn and smelling it.

She suddenly turned her head, and the **** said mysteriously: "Can I pick two?"

Song Yancheng smiled and said: "Come on, no one here."

She became excited, tried her best to take off two, then threw down a piece of money, and ran into the car.

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