Song Yancheng squeezed the money with a stone before getting into the car with her.

Yun Jin held the corn and smiled brightly.

She had never seen these things since she was a child, so she was naturally very curious.

She also rarely comes to the outskirts.

When she was in the royal family before, as long as she walked around at will, there would always be countless staff members following her, telling her that she could not touch or touch it.

So she was curious and curious about everything.

Song Yancheng smiled and said, "Do you rarely come to the suburbs?"

"Yeah." Yun Jin said with a smile, "My parents are usually busy with work, so they don't have time to bring us to such a place. The nanny and others dare not bring us."

"I come here often." Song Yancheng said, "When I was young, I lived with my grandmother. I always liked to come here to catch fish and insects and do everything."

"I envy you," Yun Jin said eagerly.

"But I haven't been here for a long time. Then I lived in the city, and things got a lot worse. After my grandmother passed away, I came even less."

With that said, the car has reached a place.

Some fishermen were fishing on the river, and a large net of fish was dragged up. The fish jumped up and splashed countless water splashes. Some splashed on Yunjin's head and face, making her scream and laugh.

Song Yancheng protected her, covered her head with clothes, and ran forward all the way.

In front is a small river, the water is exceptionally clear, you can see the bottom stones and small swimming fish.

"Wow!" Yun Jin lay down, attracted by this scene, watching it seriously.

Song Yancheng smiled, took off his shoes, rolled up his sleeves, and walked into the water.

He stretched out his hand to grab a handful of mud, and suddenly the water was muddled and the little fish ran away.

"What are you doing?" Yun Jin complained, but couldn't help taking off his shoes and go down with him.

He hissed, touching something in the mud.

Yun Jin also followed his way to touch.

She didn't know what she could touch.

But his actions and everything in front of her made her full of interest, and she just wanted to do things with him.

Suddenly, Song Yan stretched out his hand, grabbing a multi-legged thing.

"Ah!" Yun Jin screamed, seeing clearly that he was holding a crab, she giggled, "touch me, touch me!"

Song Yancheng carefully handed it to her: "Avoid its claws, grab the back here, and hold it with both hands."

Yun Jin caught it, too excited: "How can I get it? I want to try it too."

Song Yancheng used the grassroots to tie this one and took her down again, this time holding her hand and reaching into the mud together.

"Ah, the crab bit my hand!" Yun Jin called.

"Take it out quickly." Song Yancheng immediately became nervous and brought her hand out.

Yun Jin raised her hand in front of him: "Look! Scared!"

It turned out that she had caught a crab and was waiting to scare him.

Song Yancheng couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay, dare you to play me?"

He stepped forward to Ha Yunjin's itch, Yunjin couldn't bear it, and the crab fell into the water and slipped away.

"You pay me! Such a big one." Yun Jin pouted.

"Well, I will pay you, I will pay you." Song Yancheng smiled, and he reached out and grabbed the other one.

He grew up here when he was a child, so he is very familiar with these.

Seeing Yun Jin having fun again, he deliberately wanted to make her happy, so he quickly caught a lot.

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