Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2211: What is his identity

After a while, Grandpa Li brought steamed and braised crabs, as well as his own potatoes, each of which was very fragrant, not at all the taste in the city.

Yunjin ate so happy.

The night wind was breezy, and her smile blossomed in the darkness. Song Yancheng reached out and rubbed her hair and kissed her gently on the cheek.

On the return journey, the two were speechless.

The night breeze was quiet, and both of them were immersed in a silent understanding.

"Where shall I send you back?" Song Yancheng suddenly turned his head and asked.

Yun Jin was a little surprised, and smiled: "Send me back to school. I'll stay in the dormitory."

"That... are you free tomorrow?" Song Yancheng asked.

"Nothing will happen tomorrow." Yun Jin lowered his head, with countless little emotions surging in his heart.

Song Yancheng smiled and nodded: "Okay, then I will pick you up tomorrow."

"Okay." Yunjin arrived at the place and got off the car. "Then goodbye?"

"Well, goodbye." Song Yancheng waved.

Yun Jin watched his car drive away.

She retracted her gaze and walked to the school.

Just a few steps, she was suddenly pulled back by someone, and she ran into a embrace. It was Song Yancheng.

He bowed his head and kissed her on the lips before ran to his car and drove away.

Yun Jin touched the touch on her lips, with a masculine touch, her heart swayed.

She walked towards the school, focusing so much on her heart that she accidentally hit a human wall.

"Ah, brother!" Yun Jin was startled and frightened, and then retreated, "Why are you here?"

"I heard from my uncle, you are back to school, originally came to see you." Lu Yiyang raised his chin, "Who is that boy?"

"Which one?" Yun Jin didn't want him to know the existence of Song Yancheng.

"I have seen it, don't be evasive." Lu Yiyang leaned in her ear, "Second brother is not honest in front of you? Don't live in school tonight, go back to me, and explain to me."

Yun Jin got into his car and went back and talked all the way.

When he heard Song Yancheng solve the case, Lu Yiyang was very interested, and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, he. But I tell you, it's basically impossible for you and him."

"Second brother!" Yun Jin stomped.

"It's not that I said, think about your own identity, what is his identity?"

"What's wrong with me? Isn't he a royal identity? He is not bad, he is smart and capable. Where is he worse than anyone? Why not? I don't believe that you, your eldest brother, and your parents are both People who are not open like this. Don’t you also look at others from your identity background? Brother, are you not such a person?"

Lu Yiyang looked at her: "Well, you really don't know?"

"What?" Yun Jin asked.

"Song Yancheng's father is Shen Bingwang, a well-known arms dealer. Haven't you heard of it at all?"


Lu Yiyang pointed to her ear: "Did you not hear clearly, or did you not hear it in your heart?"

Yun Jin shook his head: "I don't believe it."

"Because he didn't tell you, you don't believe it? Come on, I can recognize his identity at a glance. This identity can't deceive anyone."

"But he is a policeman."

"This won't change his father's identity. Yun Jin, although the second brother respects any of your decisions, some decisions are beyond your control. If he is just an ordinary person or even a poor person, it doesn't matter. The big deal is you Just marry. But he is such a person, what do you think?"

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