Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2212: His mother's last name

In Lu Yiyang's words, every word struck Yunjin's heart heavily.

Yun Jin lowered his head, how could this be?

She never thought that she would face such a choice.

But Song Yancheng is completely different from his father.

He is smart, cautious, and self-motivated. He is the most promising police officer in the police station and the profession she yearns for.

But why is it so?

If she really chooses to be with him desperately, the entire family and the entire royal family will be dragged down by her.

Lu Yiyang patted her shoulder gently: "Yun Jin, take advantage of the sinking."

He voluntarily omitted the latter words.

But Yun Jin knew what he was going to say.

She couldn't blame her second brother, he said all faithful words of exhortation.

Not to mention her identity, in the entire country c and country s, it is impossible to choose Song Yancheng. Even if she is a child born in a common people's family, she will face difficult choices when making such a choice.

"Yunjin." Lu Yiyang hugged her.

When returning to Lu Yiyang's apartment, Yun Jin was in a bad mood.

She sat in front of the window, watching the night of Jingzhou City, her mood dropped to a low point.

Lu Yiyang offered her a glass of wine: "Drink some."

"Second brother, why is Song Yancheng's surname Song, not Shen? Didn't you say his father's name is Shen Bingwang?" Yun Jin was suddenly full of hope.

"He has his mother's last name, and his parents divorced. He grew up with his mother." Lu Yiyang said.

Yun Jin didn't even have the last hope. He bit his lip and said, "Anyway, he is him, and his father is his father. I don't believe that if there is a bad father, there can be no good son."

"Oh." Lu Yiyang knew that she still couldn't figure it out for a while, so he gave up to persuade her, just patted her and said, "You should think about it first."

Yunjin was holding a red wine glass, her fingers began to turn white, but she did not drink a bite.

Song Yancheng sent a text message telling her to pick him up at the school gate tomorrow.

Yun Jin hesitated for a long time before replying: "Sorry, I have other arrangements tomorrow. You won't use it to pick me up."

Although she said firmly, she still needs time to digest and accept this fact and how to deal with it.

Song Yancheng called immediately, but Yun Jin did not answer.

He called again and again, Yunjin pressed down, and finally turned off.

This night, Yun Jin did not fall asleep all night.

The next day, she stayed in Lu Yiyang's apartment and did not return to school.

In a mess, she held the pillow in a daze.

Song Yancheng still arrived at the school gate, but Yun Jin did not come.

He held the phone and kept checking her information.

But she did not send another message.

He knew... Yunjin might really not come.

Perhaps, she knew her identity.

He sat in the car, took out a cigarette, and lit it for a long time.

Lu Yiyang sent Yunjin to school in the afternoon, and Song Yancheng saw Yunjin walking with a boy at a glance.

Lu Yiyang kissed her on the forehead: "Fool, don't be too uncomfortable. Go back and pay attention to your body."

"Well," Yun Jin walked forward ruthlessly.

Lu Yiyang drove away.

Song Yancheng walked down and came to her: "Yunjin."

"Senior." Yun Jin felt a little haggard when he saw him, completely different from the spirit of yesterday, and he couldn't bear it.

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