"Mom." Yun Jin's tears fell.

The reason she didn't want to see Song Yancheng again was because she was afraid of hurting her family.

She has deep feelings for every family member, and each of them is also very important to her.

She didn't want to do anything to hurt them because of her personal affair.

Unexpectedly, Yun Wei would say so.

"Actually, I talked with your dad for a long time... In the end, we felt that we should let you go and give you a chance. No matter what mess or accident, we will give it to you." Yun Wei said Be resolute.

The daughter is only 18 years old, she has not experienced many things.

Her path should not be decided by her parents or brothers, nor should anyone tell her whether she should go or not.

She should try it herself.

What the family can do is to protect her from these things and try not to get hurt.

"I've already agreed with your second brother. You can consider and choose by yourself." Yun Wei finished speaking, and hung up the phone.

"Yun Jin, why are you crying? Your mother scolded you too?" Ai Jia sat beside her and said, "Isn't it? What the **** is it?"

"No, my mother said, she supports everything I do." Yun Jin held the phone.

Ai Jia smiled and said, "Really, your mother is so nice."

After a while, Lu Yiyang also called: "Mom told me and let me ignore your business. Okay, goodbye, don't always think about it and be upset. Second brother will take you to eat delicious food on weekends. "

"Well, contact you this weekend." Yun Jin returned to him.

Yun Jin wants to send a text message to Song Yancheng.

But I don't know what to post.

She thought, she also needs to calm down and think about it.

Parents think about themselves, so they should think about them even more.

With Song Yancheng, she still needs some time.

What's more, even if you talk to him now, you should have an interview instead of the current method.

In particular, she cannot go out of school from Monday to Friday, and the school itself does not approve of their dating.

Yunjin finally survived this week.

On Friday, she texted Song Yancheng: "Senior, do you have time on the weekend?"

Song Yancheng never responded.

Yun Jin called him, but he did not answer.

Yun Jin felt a little worried, and didn't know what was wrong with him.

She didn't go back to Mingye Leng on Friday, but just called him and told him to go back next week.

On Saturday, she went to the district police station. The officers knew her. When they saw her coming, they smiled and said, "Yun Jin, are you coming to see Officer Song?"

"Well, is he there?" Yun Jin asked.

"Don't you know that he is in the hospital? Yesterday when he was arresting someone, he injured his arm. Maybe he is still resting." The police officer said.

After Yunjin listened, he ran to the hospital.

After finally finding his ward, Yun Jin knocked on the door, and Song Yancheng's slightly low voice came from inside: "Come in."

Yun Jin pushed the door in. Song Yancheng obviously didn't expect it to be her, and was a little surprised: "Yun Jin?"

"I'll come and see you." Yun Jin found out that he was wounded on one arm and hung on his neck with a bandage, and his other hand and palm were wounded, looking completely immobile.

It's no wonder why he didn't reply to the message or answer the phone.

Song Yancheng said softly: "Sit down."

Seeing him like this, Yun Jin felt uncomfortable in his heart, especially when he was hurt so badly that he looked distressed.

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