Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2215: Give you time

"Do you want to eat?" she asked hurriedly.

"No." Song Yancheng shook his head, he had no appetite.

Yun Jin lowered his head, sat beside him, and said, "Just you are injured. Did anyone else accompany you to catch the bad guy?"

"Yeah." Song Yancheng didn't talk much this time, and his whole person looked quite tired.

Yun Jin didn't know what to say, so she got up to wash an apple, cut it into small pieces with a knife, and then fork it to his mouth.

Song Yancheng shook his head: "Yun Jin, you should go back first, it is also a delay of your time here."

"I just want to be with you for a while." She lowered her head.

"If all of this makes you very embarrassed, why bother to come here? I'm already prepared for this. Let's go. I can accept it or get through it by myself."

"Senior..." Yun Jin bit her lip.

"Let's go." Song Yancheng's eyes reddened slightly, but still don't look at her anymore.

Yun Jin put down the apple and turned around to get a tissue.

Song Yancheng thought she was going to leave and grabbed her wrist, but his injured palm couldn't make any effort. Instead, it hurt and fell weakly.

Yun Jin was startled and hurriedly grabbed his hand: "Senior, your hand is still hurt, don't move it. Sit down and I will help you to see."

Seeing bleeding from the gauze in his palm, she frowned with distress.

Song Yancheng hugged her, Yun Jin was a little stunned, not knowing where to put his hands.

This week, he was more painful and uncomfortable than anyone else, and the appearance of Yunjin had already been imprinted in his heart, unable to wave it away.

But he didn't contact her again. As Shen Bingwang's son, he was no longer qualified to contact her.

But the longing has spread wildly, and he can only use work to paralyze himself.

It turned out that even if he became a policeman, he would never be able to get rid of the influence his father had brought to him. This made him desperate and sad.

If Yun Jin can come today, he really doesn't want to lose her again, he doesn't want to let her go.

Yun Jin's hands were slowly placed on his shoulders: "Senior."

Song Yancheng didn't speak, his hands were inconvenient, but he hugged Yunjin tightly.

Yun Jin can feel his emotions.

The two have always depended on each other.

"Yun Jin, I won't go the way of my father, or even meet him." Song Yancheng raised his head, "Mother never wanted me to contact him. I just want to be a policeman..."

"I understand, I understand." Yun Jin nodded, "Senior, I have considered this problem. I will not avoid you in the future, but I also think that we will give each other some time and wait until I graduate. Talk about this question, okay?"

"Then can I come to you later?"

"Of course it can. I just thought about it. We can spend a little more time to determine what we really want in our hearts." Yun Jin said with a light smile, "Can you give me time and wait for me? "

"Okay. I'll wait for you to graduate." Song Yancheng said without hesitation.

The school where Yun Jin is now does not allow dating.

He didn't want to force her either.

She was still too young, and he didn't want her to think of any hasty decisions and regret it.

As long as she is willing to give him a chance, it will be enough.

Song Yancheng hugged her again: "I'll wait for you."

"Yeah." Yun Jin nodded.

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