Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2216: Should be called sister-in-law

She smiled and said, "Would you like to eat an apple, I will get it for you?"

"Okay." Song Yancheng recovered his mood.

Yun Jin took the apple and fed him again: "Why are you so stupid? There are so many people in the police station, and no one else was injured. You made it yourself."

"I just want to catch the suspect earlier." Song Yancheng said, "I want to prove that I can do better than others."

"But no matter what, your own safety is the first." Yun Jin persuaded.

"I will pay attention next time." Song Yancheng laughed.

"By the way..." he asked suddenly, "how do you know my identity?"

Yun Jin didn't think about hiding from him, and said softly: "It's my brother, he found out and told me. He is also at the police academy, and he knows a lot."

"The boy who sent you back that night?"

"Yes, it's my second brother." Yun Jin smiled. "Is he handsome? Others say that my second brother is handsome."

"It's not as good as you." Song Yancheng said, watching Yunjin with a gentle gaze.

Yun Jin smiled embarrassedly, and looked away.

He injured his hand and was inconvenient to move. Yun Jin helped him wipe his face with a tissue. After a while, his mobile phone rang, showing that it was his mother's call.

"Do you want to pick it up?" Yun Jin asked.

"Get it for me." Song Yancheng said.

Yun Jin picked it up and handed it to his face. His tone was brisk: "I'm fine, just working overtime. Injured? Nothing. I will come back to see you next week."

Yun Jin knew that he didn't want his mother to worry, so no one else knew about his injury.

It seems that no one can take care of him.

After answering the phone, Yun Jin said, "Didn't Director Guo arrange someone to take care of you?"

"According to Xiao Zhao and Xiao Gao. But Xiao Zhao's family has children going to school, and Xiao Gao wants to go on a blind date. I let them go back. I can do it myself."

Yun Jin said strangely: "Obviously not. I will stay for these two days. If you can move your palm tomorrow, I can go back to school with confidence."

There was tenderness in Song Yancheng's eyes: "Okay."

He is naturally willing to stay with Yun Jin Duo.

However, he couldn't bear to feel too tired for her: "In this way, you are here during the day, and I will ask Xiao Gao to come over at night, and send you back to school first, and let him stay at night."

"Let's talk about it." Yun Jin smiled and hurried to buy him food, fruits and nutrients, and brought a bunch of flowers back by the way.

With a smile on her face, she was in a good mood. She was in the ward like a butterfly wearing flowers.

In the originally dull ward, there was life and laughter.

Song Yancheng also had a smile on his face.

Yun Jin did not leave at night, and Song Yancheng was definitely unable to take care of herself alone, and she was worried.

Xiao Gao came over and smiled ambiguously when he saw her there: "It turns out that Yunjin is here. No, it should be called sister-in-law."

"Don't talk nonsense." Song Yancheng stopped him, "Yunjin is still young, don't spread it."

"Well, I won't say, I won't say." Xiao Gao laughed, but he was completely treated like Yunjin as his sister-in-law. Seeing her picking up the basin, he hurriedly said, "I'll go, I'll go."

Yun Jin let him go, and when he came back, Song Yancheng arranged for him to send Yun Jin back to school.

Yun Jin shook his head: "No, Xiao Gao, you go back and rest first, I'll just make do with it here."

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