"Come over for breakfast." Mo Yan said with Bai Jashou.

"Sorry, Brother Xiaobai, I drank a little bit more last night." Yun Jin said apologetically. In fact, she wouldn't drink so much if it weren't for Mo Yanbai.

"It's okay to drink in front of me. As long as you don't drink so much in front of other men." Mo Yanbai had a deep meaning, pushing the plate in front of her, "eat some porridge."

"Yeah." Yun Jin laughed, "Brother Xiaobai wasn't angry with me, right? Didn't you make you eat well last night?"

"No." Mo Yanbai smiled, "You trust me so much, and you are drunk in front of me. I still care about what to eat. Didn't you fail your trust?"

Yun Jin smiled embarrassedly: "Then I will go back to school after I eat, so I won't trouble you, you still have things to do."

In fact, it wouldn't be annoying for Mo Yanbai how long she was interrupted.

He wanted to open his mouth to keep her. At this moment, last night’s news was broadcast on the TV on the side: “When the big explosion happened last night, the number of casualties reached 70. The police have not yet specified the specific number of casualties. , The fire caused by the explosion was finally extinguished by firefighters earlier. The occurrence of this incident is reported to be related to the fighting and trading of some people in the arms organization..."

Yun Jin was attracted by the news and couldn't help but watch TV.

Mo Yanbai turned off the TV: "Eat seriously."

"Brother Xiaobai, what's in the news?" Yun Jin felt flustered for no reason.

"I asked. It is said that a certain arms organization's transaction was carried out in the underground parking lot of a commercial building, but somehow there was chaos and an explosion followed. There were many casualties at the time, but fortunately it was not in a residential building, otherwise the casualties heavier."

"Who are all dead?" Yun Jin asked nervously, and she thought of Song Yancheng for no reason.

Mo Yanbai shook his head: "I'm not responsible for this matter. I don't know the details for the time being. You can eat first, and don't care about some of these. The police will deal with it."

Yun Jin was flustered, and after eating half a bowl of porridge, he said that he was full, and said, "Brother Xiaobai, I will go back to school first."

"I'll send you." Mo Yanbai stood up.

She ran away without looking back: "It's okay, I brought my mobile phone and just took a taxi."

She ran out quickly, returned to school, and went to the district police station again.

But no news came out.

Also, even Mo Yanbai didn't know the details, and a few outsiders would know.

In the evening, she called Mo Yanbai again, and Mo Yanbai shook his head: "I really don't know the details. I only know that many of the casualties have not been identified."

"Is there Song Yancheng?" Yun Jin couldn't help asking.

"I'm not sure." Mo Yanbai was slightly displeased when she heard that she kept saying that it was Song Yancheng's name.

"Then I will hang up first." Yun Jin hung up the phone.

Shen Jiwei quickly got news: "Master, Song Yancheng died in the big explosion last night."

"What?" Shen Jiwei stood up suddenly.

"He had a chance to escape, but maybe because of some frustration, he did not escape. This time, many brothers have been lost, and the police is equivalent to the case. Maybe Song Yancheng thinks It’s enough to catch these people."

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