Shen Jiwei's fist was slightly squeezed, and Song Yancheng would die?

Although the two people had different paths to follow since they were young, although one followed his father and the other followed his mother, Shen Jiwei never thought that Song Yan would die.

"It's not good, Master!" Someone hurried in.

"What's the matter?" Shen Jiwei asked immediately.

"Mrs. Song... is Song Yancheng's mother. She was told by the district police station to recognize the body. She recognized Song Yancheng's body in the morgue. She suffered a heart attack on the spot and was sent to the hospital." The subordinate said hurriedly. The voice is getting quieter.

"Go to the hospital right away." Shen Jiwei picked up his coat and hurried to the hospital with his subordinates.

Song Yancheng's mother is also Shen Jiwei's mother.

After his parents divorced, Shen Jiwei followed his father and also did his father's business, which made his mother reluctant to see him.

The last time he went back to see his mother, he went home dressed as Song Yancheng in the name of Song Yancheng.

It was the first time I met Yunjin on the bus.

Shen Jiwei arrived at the hospital soon.

When I found the doctor, the doctor shook his head and said regretfully: "I'm sorry, Mrs. Song's heart is not good at all. This accident has dealt a huge blow to her, and we are indeed unable to recover."

Her body was sent out.

The white cloth covered her body.

Shen Jiwei squeezed his fist, squeezed tightly, and was hit hard in his heart.

No matter how unwilling his mother was to see him, he never forgot his mother's feelings.

Over the years, if he had not taken the same path as his father, his mother would not have avoided him.

Mother loves his heart no less than loves his brother.

But I didn't expect that the last time I left, it turned out to be a farewell.

Looking at his mother's thin body, Shen Jiwei closed his eyes, and a tear fell down the bridge of his nose.

"Young master, I have found out that Song Yancheng was murdered by someone. He was the undercover agent for Director Guo to serve the district police station. However, Director Guo’s son Guo Tong had a feast with him. Because of the Yunjin matter, Guo Tong Tong secretly bought the **** with money and deliberately killed Song Yancheng. It happened to be encountered by the explosion and gave the **** a chance..."

"Yunjin?" Shen Jiwei thought of Yunjin, the first thing she thought of was the way she hooked other men's arms.

Maybe Song Yancheng was nothing more than a passer-by for her, but she indirectly killed Song Yancheng and her mother!

"Guo Tong likes the one named Lu Yunjin, he has always been at odds with Song Yancheng and Lu Yunjin..."

Shen Jiwei squinted his eyes slightly: "Bring Guo Tong."

Soon, Guo Tong was brought to Shen Jiwei.

He looked at Shen Jiwei with some trepidation, until he saw that Shen Jiwei looked exactly like Song Yancheng, he was shocked back: "Song...Song Yancheng? You, you, you, you..."

"Call me!" Shen Jiwei ordered.

The people next to him fought fiercely at Guo Tong, the ghost crying wolf howling who had beaten him for a long time.

Guo Tong shouted: "Song, Song Yancheng, I didn't think about killing you, I just wanted to scare you to scare you...Who knows that there was an explosion accident, I really didn't..."

"Continue." Shen Jiwei didn't change his face, and was indifferent to what he said.

"I'm Director Guo's son. Stop your hands. I can let my dad negotiate..." Guo Tong cried out because he couldn't bear the beating.

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