Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2234: Three years undercover

"Yun Jin, you can be a policeman, but you must never be an undercover agent. Especially since you are only a sophomore now, you simply don't have enough ability to protect yourself." Lu Zhanting was very angry.

Among the children, Yun Jin is the one he loves the most. How could he just watch her commit danger?

"Dad, I can." Yun Jin gritted his teeth and said, "I have already figured out what I can and cannot do. I have submitted the information, and even the police station has agreed, indicating that I have such qualifications. . Only in your heart, I am a child who has not grown up."

Lu Zhanting angrily said: "Okay, then I will ask the police station to cancel your quota."

Yun Jin knows that he can do it. Although Lu Zhanting is the king of country c, he has very extensive contacts in country s, and he may even be able to do it without him personally appearing.

Yun Jin stopped him: "Dad! If you cancel my quota, I will never set foot in the royal family again."

"You!" Lu Zhanting ended in anger.

Yun Jin said: "Dad, you have taught us since we were young to keep our national affairs and family affairs at heart, and the interests and safety of the people at heart. You teach this way, and I listen the same way. Now I do it too. But Why do you stop me when I choose to do this? Is it because of fear of danger?"

"You are a girl, and you are too young! Too dangerous!"

"What is the difference between a woman and a man? Don't forget, you have always said that women can do what men do, and even things that men cannot do."

Lu Zhanting gritted his teeth with anger.

Yun Jin continued: "And just because it's dangerous, don't you let me do it? Then other people do it, isn't it the same dangerous? Dad, I am your daughter, how can I escape because of danger? If other people do it, there is the same danger. It is because of the danger that I have to take more responsibility. This is what you taught me, isn't it?"

Lu Zhanting did teach his daughter this way.

These words, he was speechless.

But how can he not stop him when he really sees his daughter in danger?

Without waiting for him to speak, Yun Jin said: "Dad, I promise that I will come back safely. Please rest assured."

She stepped forward and hugged her father's generous shoulders.

She understood her father's worries, but she also inherited all the things her father taught herself.

This made Lu Zhanting, with mixed feelings in his heart, worried about his daughter, but also proud of her.

Yun Jin released him and turned to leave.

Yun Wei looked at the back of her daughter leaving, feeling as complicated as Lu Zhanting.

None of the three children in the family are in safe occupations, but they all hold the same beliefs. These beliefs were given to them by Lu Zhanting. These are inheritance, but they are also worrying.

Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei looked at Yun Jin's disappeared figure and looked at each other, but they were speechless.

Even if Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei came over in person, they couldn't stop Yun Jin, so the matter was settled.

Naturally, Lu Yiyang and Mo Yanbai couldn't stop them.

Yunjin has gone for three years.

For three years, Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei were always worried. For her safety and identity not to be revealed, Lu Zhanting could not arrange for someone to follow her whereabouts at any time.

In the past three years, Lu Jingchen in country c has also had a lot of time.

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