Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei were both worried.

Fortunately, three years, with surprises and no dangers, finally passed through everyone's worries.

Yunjin successfully resolved the smuggling group's case and arrested everyone.

In the past three years, she has worked hard as hard as she could, and she has also experienced a lot more mature than before.

But Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei saw her in the hospital.

Knowing that she had completed the case but returned injured, the whole family was extremely worried, and everyone was waiting in the hospital.

"Doctor, what's going on with my sister?" Lu Yiyang stood by, anxious, and immediately asked when the doctor appeared.

"She's still undergoing an operation, you can wait first." The doctors and nurses both went in a hurry.

I don't know how long I waited. Finally, the lights in the operating room turned on and the surgeon finally came out.

All the people looked at him anxiously.

He smiled and said: "Congratulations, the patient is no more serious and the operation went smoothly. I believe that after one night's rest, he can be discharged."

Everyone was relieved.

Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei finally let go of their thoughts that had been raised for a few years.

Early the next morning, Yun Jin finally woke up.

She opened her eyes and saw Yun Wei. The first sentence was: "Mom, where am I? Where is this?"

"Yun Jin, you were injured, but you are all right now." Yun Wei sat beside her and said softly with a relieved expression.

"I am injured? How could I be injured?" Yun Jin asked with some confusion.

Yun Wei couldn't help but said, "Have you forgotten? You were dealing with the case before?"

"What case?" Yun Jin shook his head, with no idea at all. "Didn't I just come to s country to go to school? What case do you handle?"

Yun Wei couldn't help looking at Lu Zhanting and Lu Yiyang.

Yun Wei hurriedly let Yun Jin fall asleep again.

They found the doctor together, and the doctor was also a little surprised, and said: "This may be because she has experienced too many things and suffered a severe head injury, so the memory during this period was damaged, so she can't remember it for the time being. ."

"When will it be all right?" Lu Yiyang asked.

"I'm not sure, maybe it's always the case, maybe it's because of some irritation, maybe it will get better soon. It's hard to tell." The doctor is also very troublesome with this kind of problem.

When the doctor left, Lu Yiyang said, "It may be that too many things have happened in the undercover career in the past few years. Yun Jin is reluctant to think about it now. Fortunately, it has no effect. I would rather have a happier life than she would. She always remembers so many things and carries such a heavy burden and responsibility."

Lu Zhanting nodded and agreed: "As long as her body is intact, it's not a bad thing to be like this now."

"Then be hospitalized for observation first," Yun Wei said. Fortunately, her daughter has already returned. She didn't want to think about other things, just thinking that her daughter could live a quiet life.

Lu Yiyang directly rejected the request from the police station to send someone over.

"Yun Jin has amnesia. Now that the case has been solved, the person who should be arrested has already been caught. You can handle the rest of the matter by yourself. Yun Jin can't help you."

When the police station learned of this, it was hard to trouble Yunjin any more. After a few words of condolences, it was true that she never bothered Yunjin again.

Yun Jin was also surprised: "It has been four years since I left country c?"

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