Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2241: What do you mean?

He knew it was the result of a **** confession!

She had never meant this, so facing his confession, the only result would be to scare her away.

Even in the future, she would never accept his good.

Mo Yanbai stood there for a long time.

Yun Jin was really frightened, and she was still a little guilty when she returned to the house that Mo Yanbai had just packed for herself.

Brother Xiaobai actually likes himself? Take care of yourself with the feelings of the opposite sex?

This is something Yun Jin never thought of.

How did that happen?

It is really difficult for her to imagine what it would be like if she and Xiaobai's brother became lovers.

Although he is in Yushu Linfeng, his personality is also very good and considerate, but she just can't imagine such a situation.

Just like she couldn't imagine that Lu Jingchen or Lu Yiyang would be her boyfriend.

She thought about it, and sent a text message to Mo Yanbai: "Brother Xiaobai, I'm really sorry, I don't know you think that way. But I always think of you as my brother, like my elder brother and my second brother. There are so many girls who like you. Don’t waste time on me. I’m really sorry.”

When Mo Yanbai received her text message, he threw the phone severely into the river beside him.

Yun Jin was not feeling well either. It turned out that he had enjoyed the goodness of Brother Xiaobai for so long because he wanted to confess.

If she knew this was the case, she should keep a certain distance from him, so that it would be nice to him, lest he would spend time on himself but not get the return he wanted.

Thinking about this, Yun Jin slowly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, she went to the Transportation Bureau to report.

This time she is a traffic policeman, and her daily life is simple and easy.

When she got off work in the afternoon, she received a text message from Mo Yanbai: "I'm back to Jingzhou City. Call me if I have something to do."

Yun Jin is really grateful that he misses himself at all times.

But if she encounters something again in the future, I am afraid she will not be ashamed to waste his time for no reason.

Jin Wanrou was also waiting for her when she got off work.

"Yunjin!" Jin Wanrou stepped forward, holding Yunjin's hand affectionately, "Is it going well for work?"

"It's pretty good. What did you say to Brother Xiaobai yesterday?"

"Oh... didn't say anything. Didn't he say he wanted to stay with you for a few days? Why didn't he come to pick you up?" Jin Wanrou already knew that Mo Yanbai liked Yunjin, but still wanted to try her luck.

Yun Jin shook his head and said, "He has something to do, and he has already returned to Jingzhou City."

It seemed that it was impossible for Mo Yanbai to like Jin Wanrou at all, and Yun Jin would not dare to make random ideas and create opportunities for Jin Wanrou in the future.

"Then did he say when to come back?" Jin Wanrou asked unwillingly.

"This is not clear." Yun Jin said with a smile, "Don't mention him. I am afraid he will rarely come in the future, and he will not come to work in D City. Wanrou, you still don't put your mind on him, if When you meet other suitable boys, seize other opportunities."

"What do you mean?" Jin Wanrou's tone suddenly became unpleasant.

Yun Jin said in surprise: "I don't mean anything, I'm just afraid you waste too much time."

Jin Wanrou knew that her tone was too aggressive, so she suppressed a bit, and said, "Forget it, I also understand that I can't afford it."

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