Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2242: Treat her as a friend

"Wanrou, I didn't mean that, you understand..."

"I understand." Jin Wanrou smiled, "How can I blame you, I just talk about it casually. Forget it, let's go to dinner together."

"Well, good." Seeing that Jin Wanrou was fine, Yun Jin also smiled.

Two people went to the street to find delicious food.

Jin Wanrou is more familiar with this side, Yun Jin listened to her, according to her recommendation, went to find dinner.

Jin Wanrou is very gentle and looks like she's not fighting for anything. She had a good relationship with Yun Jin and Ai Jia before.

Yun Jin has always been a good friend to her.

After the two of them had dinner together, Yun Jin separated from her and returned to their apartment.

After settled down, she had agreed with her parents and two elder brothers to ask them not to miss themselves. She was very good here.

Lu Zhanting and the others also thought that her recent years have not been easy. If you want to live a quiet and free life, stay here with less disturbance, it is also very appropriate.

They just wanted to wait until her state of mind returned to peace, and when she wanted to stay in the royal family in the future, she would consider other issues.

City D is not far from Hengzhou City. There is a big river that runs through the whole city. It has beautiful scenery and outstanding people. It is indeed a very suitable place for self-cultivation.

The apartment has floor-to-ceiling windows. When you open the curtains, you can see the city scenery outside and the boats on the river.

Yun Jin lay in front of the windowsill, letting go of his thoughts, and slowly falling asleep.

I went to work early the next morning and started a simple and fulfilling day.

For several days, she has adapted to the current living conditions.

At noon that day, Jin Wanrou called her.

Hearing that Jin Wanrou's mood was not very good, Yun Jin immediately asked, "Wanrou, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

"Forget it, it's okay, it's just a small matter at work, I can solve it by myself." After that, Jin Wanrou hung up the phone.

Yun Jin ran to the supermarket where she worked when she got off work at noon and saw Jin Wanrou's eyes flushed.

"Wan Rou, what's the matter?" Yun Jin asked immediately.

"I..." Jin Wanrou didn't want to say it. Seeing her personally came over, she couldn't help saying, "The boss said that I made a mistake in a bill. When I settled the bill, there was a difference of 800 yuan and I wanted to make up. My monthly salary is only more than two thousand, so I have to make up eight hundred..."

She couldn't help crying.

Yun Jin knows her, since her father passed away in bankruptcy, she has nothing.

Before, I was able to go to the police school, but later I couldn't even go to school, so I came to work as a cashier.

"Then do you remember what happened to these eight hundred?" Yun Jin asked.

"I'm sure I didn't make a mistake." Jin Wanrou rubbed her eyes, "I remember it very clearly."

"Don't you have monitoring? Check the monitoring." Yun Jin said.

Jin Wanrou immediately shook her head: "Forget it, Yunjin, I will pay for it. The big deal is that I will spend less. If I get into trouble with my boss and there will be no work then, the gain will not be worth the loss."

"Then you can't be wronged for nothing, right? You want to find a job for two or three thousand yuan, but are you afraid that you can't find it? Such a boss is really deceiving. Wanrou, we were still How can people who have been taught at the police academy tolerate this happening?"

"Yunjin, forget it, I'm not you, I don't have so much courage to find a job..."

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