"No, we are all friends. What do we say about this." Yun Jin smiled, "Sit down, don't think so much."

Compared with Yunjin's atmosphere and grace, Jin Wanrou seems to be much more gentle.

She picked up the glass: "Yunjin, I toast you."

Yunjin picked it up and drank it.

She has never been a rigid person, and has always treated friends sincerely.

After half a cup of wine, Yunjin suddenly felt uncomfortable.

The mind is dizzy, and the whole person is a little hot and restless.

"Wanrou?" Yun Jin called her name, wanting to ask what's going on.

"Yun Jin, I feel a little uncomfortable. Let me accompany you back to my place to rest. It's very close." Jin Wan softly helped Yun Jin up.

Yunjin is already very weak.

Jin Wanrou helped her into a nearby hotel and put her on the bed.

"Wanrou?" Yun Jin wanted to reach out and grab something, but only grabbed a piece of nothingness.

"Yun Jin, I'm sorry. I didn't want it either. But my stepmother forced me everywhere and said that if I didn't come to accompany this old man, she would definitely kill me. I couldn't resist her at all... Yun Jin, I know what you are doing. I'm fine. But I really can't help it. You can do this for me."

After Jin Wanrou finished speaking, she looked at Yunjin and closed the door severely.

Yun Jin felt very uncomfortable and instinctively got up and walked out.

Jin Wanrou's medicine was indeed sufficient.

But for Yun Jin's physique, who has been undercover for three years, it is not enough.

So she can still get up and go out.

It's just that he is not sober, and there is no clear concept in his mind.

Yun Jin walked forward vainly, and suddenly ran into a person's arms.

The person here is Shen Jiwei.

Since the Shen family's business was severely suppressed in Jingzhou City, he went to D City.

Tonight, he just finished talking about things here.

A woman rushed into his arms recklessly. He just wanted to push her away, and he had never been interested in throwing away the woman in his arms.

But looking down at the woman in his arms, his eyes deepened.

Is it Yunjin?

She was drugged?

The impression Yun Jin left on Shen Jiwei was so deep that her shadow never disappeared in his mind.

When she was on the bus, she fell asleep leaning on his shoulder, blushing and shy, and clever smile, Shen Jiwei never forgot.

Only now, how could she be like this?

Shen Jiwei didn't hesitate any more, and took her into his arms. Her body was astonishingly hot, looking for a comfortable position and coolness in his arms.

Shen Jiwei's whole body was so stiff that he straightened up, lowered his head, and suddenly kissed her lips.

Her lips were sweet and soft, exactly the same as he had imagined. The gentle touch made his heart overflow with enthusiasm.

However, thinking of her younger brother Song Yancheng and mother who were indirectly killed by her, Shen Jiwei's eyes were a little colder.

If it were not because of her existence, or because she went all over the place, Song Yancheng would not suffer a tragic death!

The mother will not die of a heart attack.

Thinking of this, his heart instantly cooled, but her body was aroused by her due to the very heat and hardness.

Without any pity, Shen Jiwei pressed her under him.

However, Shen Jiwei still hesitated when he touched the barrier of her body.

She turned out to be the first time?

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