It stands to reason that there are so many men around her, and she herself is like a beauty and a disaster. How could it be the first time?

But the real touch made him unable to doubt, he moved with his heart, and finally took her all.

Beautiful scenery all night.

When Yun Jin woke up, her whole body was extremely painful.

She rubbed her sore waist and suddenly sat up, only to realize that she was not covered by the sheets.

What exactly is going on?

She remembered the wine Jin Wanrou toasted to herself last night, and then she helped herself to the hotel...

So, who did Jin Wanrou sell herself to?

She immediately put on her messy clothes and ran out.

When she found Jin Wanrou, she was swept out by her stepmother.

The stepmother cursed with her arms akimbo, "Sangmen star, Bauban star, it's because of you that the whole Jin family has become like this! Your father is dead, you still stay at home and don't go out, get out, give me roll!"

Clothes and supplies were thrown on the ground.

Jin Wanrou was squatting on the ground, crying while picking up things.

Yun Jin walked forward. When she saw her, Jin Wanrou shrank and said: "Yun Jin, it's you..."

Yun Jin slapped her hand and slapped her: "Jin Wanrou, why did you frame me? I take you as a friend, what do you take me as?"

"I'm sorry, Yun Jin, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Jin Wanrou cried silently, "I don't want it, I don't want it. The stepmother wants me to accompany the guests, I don't want to ruin my life, so I..."

"You don't want to ruin your life, you will ruin me, right?" Yun Jin looked at her angrily.

Jin Wanrou shouted loudly: "You are better than me, don't you know? You have a rich family background, you can do whatever you want, and there are so many people who love you and love you. You can go to the best school, think Work wherever I work? And what about me? I have nothing, I haven't even attended school, and I was bullied when I was in class. You are better than me, why can't you let me?"

Yun Jin was almost laughing at her logic.

So just because I am better than her in everything, do I have to give her everything? What is the logic? How can I never find out that her three views are so strange?

"And your little white brother, what cousin, the person he likes is you at all! Look at you, you have everything you want, and you don’t know what you want. What about me? Bullying, being bullied by the stepmother, the boss bullied." Jin Wanrou cried and said.

Yun Jin sneered and said, "Because you asked for these! If you don't change, you will always be like this, living in the dust! Forget it, when I was bitten by a dog, it was because I didn't know people clearly. Make friends! You do it yourself!"

She didn't want to say more, turned around and strode away.

A car stopped in front of her, and someone got off the car and said respectfully: "Miss Lu, our young master would like to ask."

"I'm not going." Yun Jin was not in the mood and refused.

"Master, please go there."

"Who is he?" Yun Jin asked.

"The young master said that if Miss Lu remembers what happened last night, she should meet him."

Yun Jin suddenly clenched his fists: "He is the **** last night? Well, I really want to see him!"

Hearing her scolding Shen Jiwei as a bastard, the corners of the subordinate's lips twitched. I don't know what Shen Jiwei would be like if he heard it.

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