Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2246: Are you planning to do it again?

Yun Jin pulled the car door and sat in.

The car quickly stopped in front of a villa.

Yunjin was taken in.

Along the way, all the people encountered seemed to be particularly respectful to her, and seemed to treat her as an important guest.

Yun Jin walked into the hall hesitantly.

She went in and saw a man sitting on the sofa, waiting for her in time, with a relaxed expression.

Yun Jin felt that he was familiar, but she didn't know where she had met him.

He has star-brows and bright eyes, mature and handsome features, and a firm and cold look on his face.

She was about to speak, he first spoke: "Lu Yunjin, right?"

"Are you?" Yun Jin frowned. "Are you going to buy Jin Wanrou's stepmother the man in her first night?"

Shen Jiwei had sent someone to find out what was going on last night and knew that she was able to come to him because of Jin Wanrou.

Without waiting for him to speak, Yun Jin said angrily: "What are you going to do? Do you spend money to buy a woman? Then I tell you, you bought the wrong one! No woman is willing to be with you for your money!"

Shen Jiwei frowned slightly, so she couldn't remember him at all? Even if he looks exactly like Song Yancheng?

When she came over, she didn't intend to say anything to the man who spent the night last night, she just wanted to come over and scold him harshly!

Stepping forward, she raised her hand, trying to slap him.

He has not slapped his face yet, he has grabbed his wrist.

"What? What happened last night, do you plan to do it again?" Shen Jiwei leaned forward and approached her, spraying a hot snort directly on her face.

"You are shameless!" Yun Jin wanted to withdraw his hand, but couldn't move at all.

Shen Jiwei has a lot of strength, and her strength is in his hands, which is nothing at all.

"Lu Yunjin, I can show you what shamelessness is." Shen Jiwei waved, swung all his subordinates back, and lowered his head to capture her red lips.

"Um..." Yun Jin struggled hard, but couldn't break away from his restraints at all.

Shen Ji only thought that Song Yancheng and his mother died because of her, so they no longer have any strength in their hands.

This woman, he hadn't thought of asking her to settle the account, but since she was in D city, she could send it to the door, this time, he would never let her go.

Shen Jiwei was in a trance for a moment, feeling a pain in his lips and tongue, he ache and let go of her.

It turned out that Yun Jin bit him fiercely, and immediately, the smell of blood filled the lips and teeth of the two.

"Lu Yunjin!" Shen Jiwei lowered his voice, full of anger.

"You asked for this. I tell you, I have all the evidence from last night! No matter who you are, I have to call the police!"

Yun Jin is a person who will never be submissive. As a police officer, she knows how to protect her legitimate rights and interests better than anyone.

Shen Jiwei was originally unusually serious.

Suddenly, he smiled: "Call the police?"

He threw the phone to her, he wanted to see, who would dare to arrest someone in his villa!

Yun Jin didn't even glance at his mobile phone. He grabbed his mobile phone and called the police.

"Address? The address is..." According to her memory, she said the name of the villa in this place.

Sure enough, the voice from the police station was very hesitant: "Miss Lu, I am afraid you made a mistake? How could such a case happen in that place? Ms. Lu should not be kidding."

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