Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2247: Playing between the palms

"What's a joke, I call the police normally!" Yun Jin was so angry, "You must come right away, or I will call your complaint directly!"

"Sorry, miss, it really can't..." With a click, the phone over there hung up.

Yun Jin was so angry that she raised her eyes and looked at Shen Jiwei: "What is your name?"

"Shen Jiwei." He said frankly.

"Okay, come with me! I want to sue you for **** and assault on the police." Kissing her secretly is an assault on the police, right?

"Where's your credentials?" Shen Jiwei asked.

Yun Jin took out his credentials and flickered in front of him.

She didn't believe it, she couldn't even subdue such a prisoner.

Shen Jiwei quickly grabbed the ID from her hand and glanced at it: "Traffic police? Why are you arresting me?"

Yun Jin felt guilty.

She was used to being a police officer before, but now she has been a traffic policeman for a short time, and she often forgets her identity and cannot arrest people.

"Give it back to me!" She reached out to grab her credentials.

But with Shen Jiwei's skill, she moved left and right, and she couldn't get it from life or death.

Shen Jiwei is taller than her and much faster than her. In front of her, it is like playing.

Yun Jin is anxious, she is here to arrest people, not to play at all!

But in front of him, she couldn't accomplish her goal at all.

Shen Jiwei put his ID in his pocket.

Yun Jin was so angry that he stepped forward again, still grabbing a hole.

"Lu Yunjin, you plan to stay here to play with me, right?" Shen Jiwei asked.

"Me!" Yun Jin was so angry that he couldn't speak.

She raised her face and asked, "Then what did you bring me here?"

"It seems that you have forgotten everything, I don't think there is any need to say it anymore." Shen Jiwei said, "Come here, send her away."

Yun Jin wanted to know some more information, but now that she can't even beat him by half, she is already in an overall weakness.

Even if you want to sue him, you can only think of a way first.

Leaving may be the best choice.

"Return the certificate to me." Yun Jin had already walked a few steps before turning around and said again.

She was not at ease when she handed her credentials to such a person.

"Impossible." Shen Jiwei didn't even think about returning her credentials.

Yun Jin gritted his teeth: "Okay, I will get it back someday."

She strode out, and Shen Jiwei's subordinates went forward to see her off.

She didn't want these people to send it off at all. She didn't look at their car again, she went out by herself.


Shen Jiwei ordered: "Go and check her information."

Someone will check immediately.

It's not that Shen Jiwei didn't know Yunjin before. Yunjin not only met him, but even fell in love with Song Yancheng.

But now, she doesn't seem to remember these at all? Can't recognize him?

Yunjin's information on this aspect is public and easy to check.

Soon, the subordinates gave her information to Shen Jiwei.

"She was undercover for three years? Amnesia after returning?" Shen Jiwei glanced around and quickly understood her experience this year.

In the past few years, he has just taken over his father's business. Regarding Song Yancheng's death, he did not have time to find Yunjin again.

Now that she ran into his hands, he would never let her go again this time!

"Bring all the information." Shen Jiwei soon had an idea of ​​revenge against her.

Since she was responsible for Song Yancheng and his mother's death, this time, he would play her between the palms of his arms and then kick her away again.

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