Thinking of this, there was a coldness in his eyes.

Yun Jin walked out angrily.

As soon as she went out, she immediately went to the police station: "I want to report a **** case."

Upon hearing Yun Jin's words, the police officer at the reception dared not neglect, and immediately led her in and asked her to make a transcript.

"Tell Jinwan and Shen Jiwei." Yun Jin wrote down their names.

No matter who they are or what status they have done, they must bear the consequences.

She is a police officer. She must follow the procedures and use the law to maintain her justice.

"Miss Lu, are you sure it is Shen Jiwei and Jin Wanrou?"

"OK." Yun Jin said.

"Then please go with our female police officer to do a physical examination and extract evidence." The police officer said.

Yun Jin was a little embarrassed at once, but he quickly overcomes it.

This is nothing compared to bringing these two bad guys to justice.

Soon, a female police officer came over and took her to the evidence extraction office.

"Miss Lu, take off your pants." The female police officer said gently, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"I know, I have been a policeman myself." Yun Jin smiled. Although she doesn't remember what happened when she was an undercover agent, she still has the instinct of a policeman.

The female police officer quickly extracted the physical evidence and let her get dressed.

Soon after, they summoned Jin Wan and Shen Jiwei.

Jin Wanrou was the first to arrive.

When she was in the police station, she saw Yunjin at a glance.

"Yunjin, you..." Jin Wanrou was stunned. She never thought that Yunjin would be so careless, "What are you going to do?"

"Do what I should do." Yun Jin said, "Jin Wanrou, we are all grown-ups, and we are all responsible for what we have done. Whatever you have done, you must take responsibility."

"Yunjin." Jin Wanrou was about to cry. She never thought that Yunjin would be so true, and she would actually call the police.

Originally, she thought that as long as it was a girl who suffered a dumb loss, she would definitely not be so true to everyone.

"Yun Jin, please, can you not do this?" Jin Wanrou shivered with fear when she thought of the consequences.

"No. This is my principle." Yun Jin said indifferently.

Jin Wanrou stepped forward, trying to hold her hand.

Yun Jin never gave her a chance.

"Yunjin, don't do this, can't I apologize to you? Yunjin, please..."

"I knew today, why bother back then?" Yun Jin showed no mercy at all, "I am such a person and I will never change."

Only then did Jin Wanrou know that she had provoked someone she couldn't afford.

Yun Jin insists on principles and knows how to take up the weapon of law to seek justice for herself.

She is reckless, gentle and kind, but she never allows her own interests to be violated.

It is too late for Jin Wanrou to regret it now.

Yunjin is such a person. When you are a friend, he will spare no effort to dig his heart out.

And once you touch her bottom line, she will never be soft-hearted and be persuaded by inexplicable tears.

Jin Wanrou knew that it was useless to beg for mercy, and suddenly changed her expression: "Lu Yunjin, you have no evidence! You can't tell me."

Yun Jin did not expect that she had done something wrong, and she was still so obsessed with it that she couldn't help being funny.

Now, does Jin Wanrou still think she is right?

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