Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2249: Is a boyfriend

Yun Jin said faintly: "Really? I can go back and get the monitoring of the place where I ate last night. And don't forget, I recorded all the conversations between me and you tonight."

She took out the phone, and at the moment, the phone is still working.

Jin Wanrou's face was pale.

Yun Jin put the phone back and stopped talking to her.

Since she did not regard herself as a friend, it also proved that what she did to protect her rights and interests was correct.

Jin Wanrou, she must bear the responsibility she should bear.

The police officer took Jin Wanrou to investigate.

Soon, Shen Jiwei also arrived.

As soon as he appeared, the whole police station smelled of splendor, his aura was extraordinary, and everyone stood up.

Obviously, these police officers also recognized his identity.

"Only Shao." Everyone greeted in unison.

Yun Jin felt bad in his heart and said, "Well, since Shen Jiwei has come, I think our case can begin."

The police officer smiled and said: "Of course. But only Shaogui is busy, it is rare for him to cooperate with the investigation. Okay, let's invite it now."

"I want to sue him! Sue him for rape!" Yun Jin immediately said loudly, "I have enough evidence!"

The police officers looked at Shen Jiwei for a while.

It's not that they don't believe Yun Jin's words, Yun Jin is good-looking and well-behaved. When she speaks, it is easy to be trusted.

But the identity of Shen Jiwei is there again... The Shen family has been developing in City D all these years, and Shen Bingwang only went to Jingzhou City for a few years before the police told Song Yancheng to investigate the Shen family.

Shen Bingwang was very discouraged when he learned that his son and ex-wife were dead, so he withdrew his plan to develop in Jingzhou City and returned to City D.

No one knows the Shen family in D city.

Everyone knows Shen Jiwei naturally.

Can someone like Shen Jiwei rape?

Even if everyone wanted to believe in Yunjin, they couldn't believe it.

"You don't believe me?" Yun Jin looked at their expressions and saw their disbelief.

"Miss Lu, it's better to ask us here and speak slowly." The police officer said, while looking at Shen Jiwei, waiting for Shen Jiwei's answer.

Yun Jin said with an aura: "Speak slowly, then speak slowly. Could it be that speaking slowly will allow him to clear his crimes?"

She was so angry that her cheeks were bulging, and her cheeks were flushed.

Shen Jiwei laughed suddenly, he was somber and cold, and with such a smile, his face felt like a gentle breeze.

The policemen were all dumbfounded, and Yun Jin was dumbfounded too, wondering what he was still laughing at.

But no matter how much power he has, he can't be exempt from punishment if he commits a crime?

Shen Jiwei smiled and said: "Yun Jin, I know you want to stay on the wedding night for the first time. Last night, I was a little reckless and ignored your emotions... But we have been here for several years, I believe You don’t really want to sue me for this little thing, or do you take this crime?"

When he said this, the police officers all looked at Yun Jin: "So Ms. Lu is actually the only girlfriend?"

Yun Jin was shocked when he heard him say this, and said loudly: "Don't think about it! It's not like that at all! I don't know him at all, how could it be his girlfriend?"

She shouted at Shen Jiwei: "Shen Jiwei, you are too shameless, in order to escape responsibility, you dare to talk nonsense? When did I be your girlfriend?"

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