Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2250: Feeling very good at first glance

"Hey, do you really want to make a noise that everyone knows?" Shen Jiwei stepped forward and held her waist, with a gentle expression and petting eyes.

Yun Jin raised his arm and bumped it against his chest.

Shen Jiwei was in pain, but did not let go of her. On the contrary, he gently persuaded: "When I go home, everything is easy to say, the big deal, we will get married right away."

"What are you doing?" Yun Jin was annoyed, "Cheeky! Release me!"

The police officers began to look at them with an expression of eating dog food.

After all, Shen Jiwei's performance was too real and normal, and Yun Jin looked like a little girl who was making a temper.

"Shen Jiwei! You let me go!" Yun Jin wanted to break free, but couldn't break free.

Shen Jiwei lowered his head and pecked on her lips.

Yun Jin's face flushed, as if he was about to burst into flames.

Shen Jiwei threw a stack of photos on the police officer's desk and said, "Do you want me to prove anything?"

The police officer looked down, and all the photos showed Yun Jin and Shen Jiwei together.

The two have a close attitude, and the relationship is very good.

These were all left behind when Yun Jin and Song Yancheng were together.

At that time, the two people were still young and both looked young. Although there was no kissing in the photo, the appearance of holding hands seemed affectionate enough.

The police officer was even more convinced: "Only less, no need, no need anymore."

When Yun Jin saw these photos, she grabbed it in her hand: "It's all from PS! I can share hundreds of photos a day! Shen Jiwei, what are you going to do?"

She glanced down at the photo, and suddenly froze.

In the photo, she was about eighteen or nineteen years old. She was very young and tender. When she was with him, she didn't even dare to hold her hand.

There was sweetness in her smile, and when he looked at her, the expression in his eyes was unconcealable.

Regardless of whether it is from the lighting or the setting, these photos are definitely not derived from ps.

Yun Jin himself was surprised.

"These...what are these?" She was so different that she couldn't say enough by accident.

Shen Jiwei said softly: "Yun Jin, you have lost your memory before, and you don't even remember many of our things. I never blame you, but I am waiting for you. Everything last night was really anxious, I'm sorry , But I love you sincerely."

Yun Jin shook his head. When the man in front of him looked at her, his eyes revealed frankness.

Especially when he said the three words "I love you", he was extremely gentle and pampered, making it impossible to doubt his sincerity.

But Yunjin knew that it was definitely not the case.

This is not the case.

Shen Jiwei restrained her waist and said to the police officer: "Everyone, I'm sorry, I've caused you trouble. Yunjin, let's go home."

"No..." Yun Jin wanted to struggle, and the police officers came over with a smile.

They all persuaded: "Miss Lu, if you are so kind to you, you should stop angering him. Forget it, we won't file a case for this matter. You all go back first."

Yun Jin was bitter, but she was taken away directly by Shen Jiwei in front of the police officers.

After getting in the car, she finally broke free of Shen Jiwei's restraint, and said: "Shen Jiwei, what is your scam, and what do you want me to do?"

"Yunjin, do you really remember me?" Shen Jiwei asked softly, with sadness in his eyes.

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