Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2251: Let you know me again

"It was obviously Jin Wanrou who gave me the medicine yesterday, and then I had a relationship with you. Do I know you? I don't even know you!"

"Don't you remember the memory loss?"

Yun Jin was silent for a while, and then said: "I do remember the amnesia. It's just that what happened between the amnesia, I did forget. But even if I forget it, I can't talk to a brazen man like you. In love."

"Sure enough, you have forgotten me completely." Shen Jiwei whispered, with an unclear melancholy in his tone.

Yun Jin stopped talking, looking at him, his handsome facial features were full of sadness.

For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Somewhere in my heart is very soft, as if he was suddenly hit by him.

Shen Jiwei looked at her earnestly and said: "At the beginning, I really didn't want you to be an undercover agent, so I quarreled with you. You were as fierce as you are now. There was indeed a crack in our previous relationship. I have never changed to you. Even if you do, there are many dangers that make me absolutely unwilling to let you do it, but my feelings for you have never changed."

He spoke earnestly, every word and sentence seemed to come from the deepest part of his heart.

Yun Jin wanted to argue, but he didn't know where to start.

Shen Jiwei continued: "This time you came back, so many things happened. I have looked for you several times but have not found it... Maybe your family is afraid that I will hurt you, so let me not see you."

Yun Jin gradually became a little bit convinced... the family has indeed protected her very well. If there is someone they don't like, then he will never see her.

Shen Jiwei said softly: "Last night the medicine was indeed administered by Jin Wanrou, and it was indeed an accident. But it was definitely not an accident between me and you. Yun Jin, I want to hug you for a long, long time."

After he finished speaking, he took her into his arms easily.

The last sentence...Shen Jiwei expressed his sincerity.

From the time he first met, he had the urge to embrace her.

Only later, when she became Song Yancheng's girlfriend, did he dispel this idea.

Yun Jin was stunned.

Shen Jiwei let go of her: "Yun Jin, I know you are willing to have this kind of relationship when you are unmarried. We can get married right away."

"No..." Yun Jin immediately shook his head, feeling wrong instinctively.

"You don't want to marry me?" Shen Jiwei asked injured.

Yun Jin shook his head, but hesitated in his heart.

"Yun Jin, I know you still have a lot of questions. It doesn't matter, I can wait for you." Shen Jiwei said softly, "No matter how long."

Yun Jin's heart jumped suddenly.

He said this, it could cause her to beat her heartbeat, and she herself was very strange.

Is it true that you know him and you have been in love with him?

"Give me a chance to let you know me again." Shen Jiwei reached out to her.

Yun Jin hesitated for a while and handed him his hand.

Shen Jiwei held her hand and shook it gently.

"Follow me back to the villa first, I still have many photos for you to see." Shen Jiwei smiled lightly.

Yun Jin went back with him, but he still had many questions in his heart.

Seeing the scenery outside the window kept retreating, she looked at him: "How did we... meet?"

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