Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2252: I have the confidence to start from scratch with you

"Did you forget? That time you fell asleep on the bus on the way home on Friday and leaned on my shoulder. In order not to wake you up, I took five more stops." Shen Jiwei said .

This incident really happened to him and her.

But let Song Yancheng get the opportunity to approach her.

Yun Jin tilted her head, she couldn't remember.

Very strange to him as a whole, let's not talk about falling asleep on the bus.

Shen Jiwei said softly: "If you can't remember, don't keep thinking about it. The doctor said, it's important for you to rest more."

Yun Jin's mind was chaotic, and he seemed to be able to think of something, but he couldn't catch it at all.

She had heard from her family members about her memory loss, but they didn't say much to help her maintain her health.

She didn't know where to ask because she didn't have any clues, so she didn't ask much.

Back to Shen Jiwei's villa, Yun Jin was still a little ignorant.

Shen Jiwei took her back to his study and opened his bookshelf.

On the shelf, there are many pictures of her, as well as pictures of her and "him".

I have been following her all the time, so it is not difficult to get some photos faked.

Yun Jin looked at the photos on his bookshelf with some surprise.

Really, many of them were when she was a freshman. At that time, she remembered that she was almost eighteen years old, which was very close to the pictures on her phone when she was eighteen years old.

"Yun Jin, it doesn't matter if you don't remember these things, I have the confidence to start from scratch with you." Shen Jiwei stepped forward and hugged her.

Yun Jin leaned on his chest, about the relationship he had spent the night together last night. The feeling he gave her was indeed very familiar, and it also gave her a three-point sense of solidity.

Vaguely, Yun Jin did remember that when she returned to her uncle's house, she once leaned on his shoulders and was once held by him. In the crowded crowd, she was leaning against him and being protected by him.

Suddenly, she really felt that she had loved this man deeply. Such feeling was strange and novel, and it made her feel uneasy.

"Yunjin, stay." Feeling the slight trembling of her body, Shen Jiwei held her waist.

"No...I'm going back." Yun Jin immediately came out of his arms in a panic.

She is a little shy, and a little messy, how could she live in the same room with him?

What happened last night has already broken her bottom line.

She immediately said: "I'm going home first. You don't need to send me off, I just go back by myself."

After she finished speaking, she turned and ran out.

Shen Jiwei's eyes were suddenly cold, but he still followed.

Yunjin went out without calling a car.

There was a slow cool breeze blowing outside, and she just wanted to let the wind blow herself sober.

It's hard to imagine that she hated him so much just now, she slapped him, wishing to send him to prison, and now, she felt a heartbeat.

She walked forward slowly without noticing it, and followed a car unhurriedly.

Shen Jiwei drove the car personally and followed her as she walked.

Yunjin was very worried and almost ran a red light when crossing the road.

Shen Jiwei's car made a sudden stop and stopped in front of her. She blinked and was just taken into his arms.

"It's you?" Yun Jin was surprised.

She really never thought that Shen Jiwei would come with her.

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