She would never regard Jin Wanrou as a friend again.

"Yun Jin..." Jin Wanrou stepped forward, "Yun Jin, you forgive me, I really won't do anything like this in the future."

"Forget it, stay away from me. I don't have any relationship with you anymore, so I can't talk about forgiveness."

Jin Wanrou still feels a pity that Yunjin is a friend in her heart, but Yunjin is not someone she can afford to hold.

Jin Wanrou's repeated repetitions will only make her look down upon her even more.

"Yun Jin, my stepmother said, in fact, you weren't slept by that old man last night. I don't know what happened to you, who spent the night with...My stepmother still came to trouble me, you help me ..." Jin Wanrou stretched out and handed her.

Yun Jin shook her off: "Don't come near me!"

"I know you can help me, Yun Jin..." Jin Wanrou still wanted to rush forward.

Suddenly, a luxury car appeared in front of Yunjin.

Shen Jiwei got off the car.

Jin Wanrou saw him at a glance, with envy and wonder in her eyes.

"Yunjin." Shen Jiwei didn't even look at her at all. He strode towards Yunjin and reached out to hold her hand. "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Yun Jin shook his head, "I'm talking about going out for a walk. Who knows if I meet someone I don't want to meet. Can I take your car?"

"Of course." Shen Jiwei was here to pick her up.

Yun Jin got into his car.

Jin Wanrou was suddenly disappointed. She originally wanted to ask Yunjin, but she had no one else to ask for.

Who knew that Yun Jin not only ignored her, but also had a new man.

Why is Yunjin's life so good? Wherever he goes, he will meet men to help her?

It used to be Mo Yanbai, now it is another one.

Jin Wanrou was burned by the flame of jealousy.

"Where are you going?" Shen Jiwei asked.

"I don't know, just walk around. Just don't meet Jin Wanrou again." Yun Jin smiled.

Shen Jiwei is half distressed and half blame: "How can you have a friend like her?"

"In fact, it's not really a good friend... I lived in a dormitory before. I was willing to treat her as a friend. Who knew she would do something like that."

"It's okay." Shen Jiwei shook her hand, "I'll take you to the river."

"Okay." Yun Jin suddenly became interested.

Shen Jiwei took her to the river.

This river is very long and the river area is vast. It is the largest river in country s and the widest in D city.

When we arrived at the river, many people were still swimming in the river because of the hot weather.

Especially for children.

"The elderly and children here grow up by the river, and they can swim." Shen Jiwei said softly, "Next time I ask you to eat fresh water. The fish in the whole river is the most fat here."

"I always feel that I crossed the river with you."

"I've been there before. But it's not this one, but from the side of Jingzhou City." Shen Jiwei smiled and looked at her, "Did you remember?"

Yun Jin shook her head and said apologetically, "No. It's just a little bit of this feeling."

"It's okay, you need time."

Yun Jin followed him.

Shen Jiwei is very tall and very tall, Yun Jin is not short standing in front of him, and it is not even his shoulders.

Walking by his side, I feel very safe.

He held her in his hands and seemed to wrap her up.

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