Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2256: Indulge in

On both sides of the river, there are shining neon lights, setting off the purer water of the river.

People come and go on both sides, many selling gadgets and snacks.

The trees on both sides of the river channel, nourished by the river water and sunlight, grow tall and straight, and look refreshing.

"It's really beautiful here." Yun Jin couldn't help sighing.

Shen Jiwei took her forward and ordered a bunch of candied haws in front of a small stall.

"Your favorite." He smiled.

Yunjin's eyes are bright, she really loves candied haws, the sweet and sour taste makes her feel particularly good every time.

When I was in a bad mood as a child, my father would make candied haws to make her happy.

She held the candied haws and smiled picturesquely.

Shen Jiwei held her hand and tilted his head to look at her tenderly.

Yunjin bites the candied haws, and it feels very crispy.

She ate very attentively and did not notice at all. Shen Jiwei's gaze was never removed from her face.

There was a strong tenderness in his eyes, and he watched Yunjin tenderly.

Yunjin ate attentively. When it came to the last one, he was satisfied with the meal. He raised his eyes to look at Shen Jiwei, his eyes were as bright as stars.

Shen Jiwei bowed his head and kissed her.

Yun Jin was taken aback, Shen Jiwei kissed her heavily, between her lips and teeth, there was the sourness of hawthorn, the sweetness of rock sugar, and her beauty and sweetness.

For a moment, he was really contradictory.

Without him, Song Yancheng and Yun Jin might not be together so quickly.

If Song Yancheng does not die, he can also have the opportunity to be with Yunjin.

But when he approached Yunjin, he only wanted to avenge her for killing Song Yancheng and his mother.

For her, his feelings have never been more complicated.

He couldn't imagine, if Song Yancheng was still alive, would he be crazy because he could not get Yunjin.

At this moment, he just wanted to kiss her like this, if he wanted her, no matter what else.

Yun Jin was frightened by his fanaticism.

But she couldn't refuse his kiss like this. Slowly, she fell into it and fell into it.

In fact, every time Song Yancheng gave her kisses, they were very restrained and restrained.

Shen Jiwei's gentleness on the surface can't conceal the wildness in his bones.

Yun Jin could not stand any longer, stretched out her hand to grab his shirt, and her voice became trembling: "Ji Wei..."

"Yunjin." Shen Jiwei buckled her body and pulled her toward him, letting her press his body fiercely.

There are so many people around, there are so many lovers, no one pays attention to what they are doing.

Yun Jin stretched out his palm to push his chest away, and he grabbed her wrist: "Yun Jin, don't push me away again..."

Last time, when he was only one step late, she chose Song Yancheng.

This time, she had no choice.

"But I..." Yun Jin was so uncomfortable that she almost cried. She didn't want to be like this, she felt too fast.

But he couldn't bear to hurt him.

Her tears slid down and fell on the back of Shen Jiwei's hand.

Shen Jiwei sensed her tears and forced herself to look up.

He held her cheek and noticed her struggle.

"Ji Wei, I..." She had a crying nose.

Shen Jiwei felt distressed. Although he was lying to her, he couldn't even see her crying.

She obviously should be happy as before.

She is so happy.

"I'm sorry." He kissed her tears, took off his coat, and put it on her shoulders.

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