Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2257: Field duty

Yun Jin suddenly felt that she was too hypocritical, how could she easily lose control of her emotions in front of him?

There is no need for Shen Jiwei to say anything now. She admits that she might have really had a deep feeling for him.

Only those who have truly loved eagerly can touch the heartstrings so easily and get out of control so emotionally.

Shen Jiwei hugged her and suddenly thought that her feelings for him were not actually for him. It was only because she liked Song Yancheng that she would be moved by him who looked exactly the same.

His expression instantly turned cold.

Yun Jin was a little embarrassed, and said, "I want to go there and step on the river, can I?"

"Yeah." His voice was a little cold.

Yun Jin thought he would have this emotion only when he was rejected.

She ran to the bank of the river, and many people next to her took off their shoes, stepped on the water in it, or kicked and ran to the side, not at all afraid of people playing with little fish.

Yun Jin also took off his shoes and Shen Jiwei was aside, his eyes gradually deepening.

He went downstairs after sending Yunjin home in the evening.

Yunjin in the apartment, standing in front of the window, the light stretched her figure very long, drunk into a beautiful silhouette.

Shen Jiwei put his fingers on his lips, where the smell of brocade still remained.

Yun Jin suddenly opened the window and saw that Shen Jiwei hadn't left outside. She waved at him.

Shen Jiwei rolled down the car window, looked at her beautiful smile, and smiled.

Yun Jin looked at him by the window, and Shen Jiwei raised his eyes to look at her.

No one can bear to look away.

It wasn't until the cry of a wild cat came downstairs that Yun Jin closed his eyes and closed the window.

Shen Jiwei put away his smile and drove away.

Yun Jin returned to the bed and hugged the pillow, his mind began to be constantly occupied by his appearance.

At this moment, she has many unspeakable emotions in her heart.

Calling Ai Jia, it was her mother who answered the phone: "Ai Jia has gone on a mission, and I don't know how long it will take to come back. It's really hard to be a police officer these days..."

"Alright..." Yun Jin had to hang up.

Except Ai Jia, she couldn't find anyone else to talk about Shen Jiwei.

If it weren't for accidentally having a relationship with him last night, the relationship with him would actually be quite romantic.

What Yunjin wants to talk about most is the kind of pure feelings, maybe she herself is a very idealistic girl.

But if it weren't for the accident last night, she might not have met Shen Jiwei.

Thinking about it, fell asleep.

When I went to work the next day, my colleagues couldn't help but smile when they saw her: "Yun Jin, I haven't seen her for one day, and she looks good today. Where did she go on leave yesterday?"

"I didn't go anywhere, just stay at home." Yun Jin responded with a smile, touched his face, really looked better?

When she arrived at her seat, the job of the traffic police was very simple. If she did not go out on duty, her work would soon be smoothed out.

"Yun Jin, work with me in the afternoon. During this time, the road is a bit blocked in the evening." A colleague threw a pile of documents to her.

In fact, most women rarely perform duties, and the chance of going out is very small.

But Yun Jin is a newcomer, she didn't know this, so she accepted it cheerfully.

She had come to do things seriously, not to enjoy.

The afternoon was almost time, Yun Jin put on his uniform and hat, and soon arrived at the duty station.

She stood in the middle of the road and directed the traffic.

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