Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2261: Other jobs

She had always been stubborn and wanted to get home things by courting her stepmother.

But obviously, the stepmother didn't buy it at all, and none of her plans were successful.

With Yun Jin, she finally learned something. If she wants to get something that belongs to her, she must firmly take up legal weapons and bravely fight for it.

Pushed to the extreme by her stepmother, she finally realized this.

Mo Yanbai didn't want to care about her affairs at all, just thinking that she was Yunjin's friend. He said, "I will let my subordinates contact you and help you deal with it. How is Yunjin now?"

"She's fine." Jin Wanrou smiled.

"You help me take care of Yunjin." Mo Yanbai knew that she was in a bad mood, and he might have to give her a period of cooling down, and then visit her again later.

"I will, Master Mo. I also ask you to help me."

Mo Yanbai hung up the phone.

Jin Wanrou was so happy that she had known that she had such a good chance to climb the big tree of Mo Yanbai. She really shouldn't have torn her face with Yun Jin.

It is too late to recover.

She only hoped that Mo Yanbai would contact Yunjin less, at least until she got the family property.

Mo Yanbai would not personally help Jin Wanrou deal with the matter, so he gave her call to a subordinate and let the subordinate take care of it.


With Shen Jiwei's intervention, Yunjin didn't have to be on duty at all.

But other work should be done.

One of the routine tasks requires her to go out early every morning to check the random parking on the road where she is responsible.

All vehicles parked in violation of regulations must be ticketed.

This job is difficult to say, simple is not easy, you have to get up early in the morning, and when you encounter difficult people, you have to communicate and discuss with them.

When Yunjin went to check on the first day, many people found it difficult to deal with.

Basically, as soon as she appeared, those people rushed to move the car away and didn't put it in the illegal place.

But in a blink of an eye, many people stopped the car again.

She went to issue a ticket, and those people took her to beg her father to tell her grandma to be merciful.

Although D city is also a big city, it is also a land of outstanding people.

But after all, not as an international city like Jingzhou City, everyone has a strong sense of consciousness.

There are still a lot of random parking.

So when I came down in the morning, Yunjin was still very tired.

When Shen Jiwei drove to her, he was seeing that she was still dealing with these complicated matters.

He turned his head and confessed to those around him: "Before Yunjin arrives tomorrow, all illegal parking vehicles in this area will be cleaned up."

When Yun Jin came over the next day, she discovered something strange.

In the section of road under her jurisdiction, there was not even a car parked randomly.

Except for some cars parked at the place where they should be parked, the rest is clean and blank.

Not to mention the random parking, there is not even an extra leaf.

For several days in a row, Yunjin went to work like this.

The area under her jurisdiction has completely become the most worry-free place. For several days, she did not issue a ticket.

Because there were not many things, she was able to go to the Transportation Bureau very early and enjoy breakfast leisurely.

Breakfast is delivered by a dedicated person every day, and it seems that Shen Jiwei delivered it right.

But...sometimes it is strange that there will be more than one.

Every time she asked the takeaway brother, the little brother couldn't tell who ordered it.

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