Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2262: Can you change it?

In fact, with the exception of Shen Jiwei's share, the others are all from Mo Yan.

Worried that she might not be able to eat well here, he designated a store specifically to make delicious foods unique to Jingzhou City and Country C to send her.

Except for not contacting her, he has been silently guarding her and paying attention to her.

While eating leisurely, Yunjin watched the news of the day and paid attention to the major events between country s and c.

If she hasn't seen her parents for a long time, she sometimes sees them and her elder brother on the news.

While she was eating leisurely and watching the news, a colleague walked in.

Yun Jin said hello with a smile: "Zou Xue, morning."

"Morning." Zou Xue looked at Yunjin and suffocated her mouth.

Recently, she has seen Yun Jin come early every time. On the contrary, she has to deal with illegal parking by herself, and she always has to deal with it very late.

During this time, the weather was hot and sun-dried again, which made her very depressed.

"Yunjin, why are you so early every time?" Zou Xue asked.

"The section of the road I checked recently was very calm and there were few people parking indiscriminately, so it was a bit early every day."

"So good?" Zou Xue couldn't help frowning.

Why didn't it give her such a good location?

You know, she is the niece of the director of the transportation branch.

"Yeah, I'm really lucky." Yun Jin said with a smile, bowing his head to eat.

Zou Xue immediately walked up to Uncle Zhang, who was in the deployment job: "Uncle Zhang, Yunjin and I checked the illegal parking lot in the morning. Can you change it?"

"Why, do you have something?" Uncle Zhang said with a smile.

"No, I think Yunjincha's illegal location and the place where she lives are too far away. She has to get up early in the morning every morning, so hard. I happened to swap with her, and she would have no trouble ."

Uncle Zhang smiled and said, "Okay, you are really sympathetic to the newcomer."

"It should be. The newcomer is here, so of course you have to take care of it." Zou Xue said.

But I was not very happy with Yunjin in my heart.

Zou Xue used to be a flower of the traffic police team. After working here for so long, not to mention every week, at least every month, some new suitors will be added, and flowers will be delivered constantly.

Now that Yunjin came, those suitors seemed to be out of diligence all of a sudden, and turned to seek Yunjin to offer courtesy.

Not to mention, now Yunjin even has breakfast, and usually there are more than two servings.

Yun Jin robbed her of the limelight, what did she say that she didn't want to agree.

The last time Yun Jin was arranged to go on duty, she also had half of her "credit."

Uncle Zhang changed her and Yunjin's jobs, and took a form to sign Yunjin: "Zou Xue specially adjusted a closer place for you, you have to thank others."

"Thank you Zou Xue." Yun Jin smiled.

After get off work in the evening, Shen Jiwei came to pick her up for dinner, and while chatting, she told Shen Jiwei about it.

He smiled and said, "Good. Work hard, eat more at night."

"Yeah." Yun Jin nodded heavily.

Early the next morning, Yun Jin went to the lot she was monitoring and swept around. As expected, everyone parked well. She walked around and found no illegal parking.

The ground was also cleaned up.

It seems that everyone is quite qualified after changing a location.

When Zou Xue went to work, she was dumbfounded.

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