Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2263: Snatched by Yunjin

The place she inspected today was Yunjin's former site. The area where she had seen Yunjin in the past was clean and the cars placed in order.

Originally, she thought that she would go back to the Transportation Bureau with a glance when she went by herself today, and eat breakfast with peace of mind.

As a result, the destination is a mess, with cars and tricycles parked in a mess everywhere.

She worked hard for a noon before reluctantly finishing her work.

When I went to the Transportation Bureau, Yunjin was drinking milk tea leisurely because he was busy with all kinds of things.

"Yunjin!" Zou Xue walked to her, "Are you finished with work again?"

"Yes, the quality of the people in City D is good. The phenomenon of illegal parking is much better after the treatment. Now everything is fine."

Zou Xue frowned, it was impossible. The lot I checked before was also messed up. Will Yunjin go there?

"Yunjin, or let's change it back for now," Zou Xue said.

"Okay." Yun Jin felt that it didn't matter. Anyway, everyone should do a good job separately.

As a result, on the next day, the lot where Zou Xue was responsible was still very chaotic.

The location of Yunjin has no problems at all.

"Yun Jin, I will work with you tomorrow." Zou Xue really didn't believe in this evil.

"Okay." Yun Jin agreed.

Early the next morning, Zou Xue arrived at the Yunjin area.

Yun Jin also came early, she ran over, and after a lap, she was refreshed.

I just saw a group of people around helping to maintain the parking order: "Don't stop here, drive away!"

"Your car, move away and put it within the yellow line!"

As soon as Zou Xue and Yun Jin walked past, they heard those people maintaining order.

Zou Xue looked at it, okay, several big men were helping to adjust the parking of the car over there. No wonder Yun Jin's daily work is so easy.

How many people are pursuing Yunjin?

Yun Jin also saw these people, who hurriedly stopped and looked at her respectfully.

If it hadn't been for Shen Jiwei's words, let them not disturb Yunjin, I'm afraid everyone would have to yell, "My grandma is fine."

Yun Jin understood that the easy work she had every day was originally obtained by Shen Jiwei who arranged for his subordinates to come and maintain it.

But for so long, every time he saw him, he never mentioned it.

Yun Jin was very moved, and Zou Xue was by the side and asked sourly: "Yun Jin, these people are pursuing you?"

"Huh?" Yun Jin was thinking about her own business, but didn't hear clearly, and answered casually, "Oh, it's true."

Zou Xue suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Now her position, I am afraid that Yun Jin will take away.

But looking at Yunjin carefully, she looks really good-looking, with picturesque features and no flaws. Whether it is viewed from the front or the side, she is very beautiful and moving.

Moreover, she wears a smile every day, giving people the feeling that she is very agile and lively, always full of vitality, and she can't help but want to approach.

Except for Zou Xue.

She is really jealous of Yunjin.

Even in the Transportation Bureau, those male colleagues ran to Yunjin's seat without incident.

Knowing that she has a habit of eating fruit every afternoon, those male colleagues order fruit takeaway packages almost every afternoon and then distribute them to everyone.

Of course, the main reason is to distribute the brocade to Yunjin, but she is afraid that if she buys it alone, she will refuse, so they just give a little bit of makeup to everyone else.

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