Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2268: Everyone knows, everyone is afraid

Seeing his son being beaten like this, Zou Zhengke was anxious and painful, and said, "Get him up, get him up for me."

Seeing that the situation was serious now, Yun Jin looked at Shen Jiwei worriedly.

Shen Jiwei didn't want her to be frightened, so he hugged her, picked her up as a princess, and strode out.

"Arrogant, it is too arrogant!" Zou Zhengke shouted, "I want to leave after hitting someone?"

The police originally wanted to come forward to stop people, but Shen Jiwei's aura was strong, with a bloodthirsty chill on his body, they hesitated for a moment, and Shen Jiwei had already left in front of them.

"Stop him! Stop him!" The deputy director was invited by Zou Zhengke. Seeing that Shen Jiwei was so arrogant, he immediately did his best to stop Shen Jiwei.

But Shen Jiwei was already holding Yunjin and got on the car.

Yun Jin looked at him worriedly: "Ji Wei, forget it, or I ask my friends in Jingzhou City to help solve this matter. You don't want to go down and face them face to face."

"You are in the car, don't mess up, eh?" Shen Jiwei gave her a heavy kiss.

"Ji Wei..." Yun Jin pulled his shirt.

"You don't need to call any friends. I will do it myself." He said, "Stay here."

After he finished speaking, he closed the car door and let his subordinates protect Yunjin.

The deputy director and Zou Zhengke had already followed, and they were relieved to see that he had not left.

The deputy director immediately said: "You have severely injured Zou Liqi, and you must return to our police station to cooperate with the investigation!"

Zou Zhengke also said with an aura: "It's arrogant. He injured my son in broad daylight and still want to leave?"

"Zou Liqi is not ritual Yunjin, why can't we defend ourselves?" Shen Jiwei said, once he speaks, his momentum is overwhelming, and the audience is controlled by him alone.

Zou Zhengke said in a huff: "Without proof, why should such a crime be pressed on my son? Humph, not only you, but the woman must go back together for investigation."

The deputy director immediately said: "Take him back to be investigated."

"What if I say no?" Shen Jiwei snorted coldly.

This aura made Zou Zhengke and the deputy director stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Zou Zhengke had already expected that even the face of the deputy director could not hold down this Shen Jiwei.

His son was seriously injured, and he must have someone more calm to come and take Shen Jiwei away.

So he had already called the deputy mayor just now.

While talking, the deputy mayor arrived.

"What happened?" The deputy mayor asked before he even approached.

"You came right in time, the deputy mayor. My son was drinking in a bar and was injured for no reason. The deputy mayor, you have to call the shots for my son!" Zou Zhengke immediately cried out injustice.

Although I know that my son has always been a flower intestine, he likes to play with women the most.

However, in Zou Zhengke's view, it is nothing more than playing with women, and it is not a big deal. In his view, women worship money anyway, and just take the money to pass it away.

Who knew that Zou Liqi had encountered a tough bone this time.

As a father, he must be fair to his son.

The deputy mayor approached, saw Shen Jiwei at a glance and recognized his identity.

He was shocked. Although Shen Jiwei's identity was still unknown and everyone was afraid of it, the deputy mayor knew very well that Shen Jiwei was a person, cold and harsh, and never talked about any face.

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