Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2269: People who dare not mess with

If someone offends Shen Jiwei, even if he escapes to the end of the world, he cannot escape from his palm.

Last time in Jingzhou City, Guo Tong, the son of a district police station, died unexpectedly. It is said that it was because of offending Shen Jiwei.

Unfortunately, there is no effective evidence, and the police station has nothing to do with him.

Even if Director Guo watched Guo Tong being killed, no one could shake Shen Jiwei.

So, when the deputy mayor saw Shen Jiwei, how could he not be surprised?

"Deputy Mayor, look, this is the person..." Zou Zhengke was still thinking about interceding with the Deputy Mayor.

But the deputy mayor had already passed him and walked in front of Shen Jiwei, and said with a smile: "It turns out that it's Yu Shao here. Wei Shao, hasn't been safe?"

At this moment, let alone Zou Zhengke, even the deputy director was a little surprised.

The position of the deputy mayor is far above the two of them, but the deputy mayor not only didn't deal with Shen Jiwei, but in his demeanor, there was some respect, which surprised both of them very much.

Shen Jiwei glanced at the deputy mayor faintly and said, "Zou Liqi intends to plot against women. Since the deputy mayor is here, should he take care of this matter?"

"Naturally, we have to manage. This kind of people and things cannot be tolerated." The deputy mayor said immediately.

"Then leave it to the deputy mayor."

"Then Wei Shao takes the first step, and then I will tell Wei Shao the results."

Shen Jiwei turned into the car.

The deputy director and Zou Zhengke looked at the deputy mayor, and Zou Zhengke was very dissatisfied: "Deputy Mayor, how can you let this person leave?"

The deputy mayor snorted and said, "Otherwise? Are you still planning to arrest him? You are really going to get involved, and you won't know how to die by then."

Zou Zhengke was immediately frightened. Although he hadn't thought that death would be so terrible, the deputy mayor's attitude towards Shen Jiwei just now was very respectful.

Could it be that the person named Shen Jiwei is someone the deputy mayor does not want to offend?

In this way, Zou Zhengke had a cold sweat. If it was true, he would have offended people tonight.

The deputy mayor said: "Is your son intending to commit a crime against women? If so, take it back to educate. There can be no next time. If there is another next time, I can't guarantee anything. Think about it yourself. Right."

The deputy mayor was so stern, Zou Zhengke immediately lowered his head: "Yes, I will go back and teach my unscrupulous children."

The deputy director glanced at them and said, "Since it's all trivial matters, there is no need for people from the police station to come forward. I'll take them back.

He hurried away with someone in a hurry, with cold sweat on his back.

Fortunately, there hasn't been any trouble tonight, and I haven't made any decisions yet.

If you really want to offend Shen Jiwei, according to the attitude that the deputy mayor will have a somewhat admiring attitude towards him, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat, leaving is the best choice when I'm fine now.

Zou Zhengke asked him to bring his son.

Seeing my son being beaten like this, it was really angry and painful. I just wanted to beat the culprit to vent my anger.

Now I know that he is someone who can't or dare not mess with.

The deputy mayor and deputy director dared not provoke, what can he do with people who don’t want to provoke?

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