Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2270: No combat power

The deputy mayor glanced at Zou Liqi, but fortunately he didn't kill him, and said, "Okay, this is the case. You should handle your own affairs and don't cause trouble."

After speaking, he also left.

The doctor came and bandaged Zou Liqi first.

He cried so much with his father and mother. Seeing that no one was caught, he shouted: "Dad, where's the man? If I catch that person, I have to break his hands!"

"Pa" Zou Zhengke slapped him directly: "You are also someone with a wife, and you don't know how to live your life every day. You go to the bar and mess around. Now it's fine. You have provoke people who shouldn't be offended, and you said you arrested people. , The deputy mayor did not dare to arrest anyone, who do you think you are? It would be nice if you weren't killed tonight. If you were beaten to death, you would be beaten to death for nothing! No one will collect your body!"

"But Dad..." Zou Liqi said bitterly, "My hands, I don't know..."

"Forget it! Go to the hospital! If something like this happens in the future, I will interrupt your legs too!" Zou Zhengke aired.

He didn't arrest Shen Jiwei tonight. It was really hard to settle. Of course, he knew that he would never be arrested for the rest of his life. He wanted to beat his son and saw that he was hurt again.

He yelled: "Zou Xue!"

Zou Xue came over tremblingly.

How did Zou Zhengke not know that his niece always finds some women to give to his son.

80% of this matter tonight has nothing to do with Zou Xue.

Just when he saw Yunjin just now, he recognized Yunjin, knowing that Zou Xue might be jealous of Yunjin that he pushed Yunjin to Zou Liqi.

He slapped Zou Xue's face with a backhand: "It's all your scourge! Do not work well every day, get into trouble everywhere!"

"Uncle, it's not me who is wrong, it's the Yunjin..."

Zou Zhengke slapped again: "Yun Jin Yun Jin, do you know who can provoke? Who can not provoke? I will tell you today, stay away from Yun Jin in the future! Otherwise, pack your baggage and leave as soon as possible! Don't die on my turf. !"

Zou Xue was beaten and ran out so angry.

Zou Zhengke was slightly relieved now.


Shen Jiwei got into the car, and Yun Jin hurriedly asked: "Ji Wei, what's wrong? Is there anything else?"

"Don't worry, it has been solved." Shen Jiwei said.

Yun Jin breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. I was shocked. I just saw them coming over with a vicious look. I'm really worried about you..."

Shen Jiwei's face suddenly sank. He grabbed her hand and saw a wound on her hand. He couldn't help but said, "Why don't you call me if something like this happens?"

If he hadn't happened to be drinking, hearing a voice like her, and seeing her colleague there, maybe something unexpected would happen.

"I can solve it by myself. You don't know that Zou Liqi, he has no fighting power at all. I hit him on the ground with three punches and two kicks, and his teeth fell..." Yun Jin said happily, "Such a man , He should teach him a lesson, let him always bully girls!"

While speaking, she touched the wound and couldn't help frowning with a "hiss" sound.

Shen Jiwei grabbed her hand, saw the wound, and cursed: "Idiot, even saying that he can beat. I don't know if I was injured!"

"I... just slightly hurt..." Yun Jin stuck out his tongue.

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