Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2271: Direct request

"Go to the villa." Shen Jiwei told the driver.

"Don't you send me back to the apartment first?" Yun Jin asked.

"How can you go back to the apartment? Who will take care of you when you go back?" Shen Jiwei was unhappy.

Yun Jin's injury was on the palm of his hand, which was not very serious, but in Shen Jiwei's view, the injury was a bit excessive.

Especially her skin was exceptionally fair, and under the rush of blood, she looked terrifying.

He bowed his head and sucked the blood on his palm for her.

Being stuck on his palm, Yun Jin suffered from pain and wanted to retract. He moved softly, Yun Jin giggled with itchy.

"Don't make trouble..." Yun Jin wanted to push his head.

Shen Jiwei grabbed her wrist, bullied herself, and pressed her lips.

The sky filled her with kisses, shutting back what she was about to say.

The car arrived at the villa.

Shen Jiwei stopped her and picked her up and went straight to his room upstairs in the villa.

The doctor was on standby immediately and came in immediately to help Yunjin bandage the wound.

She had wounds on both hands, and after being wrapped by the doctor, she felt like a bear paw.

"I haven't been hurt so badly either..."

"It's still making trouble!" Shen Jiwei pressed her lips.

The doctor lowered his head, watched his nose and nose, and said, "Miss Lu's wound was scratched by a person's teeth, so you still have to pay attention to it to avoid breeding of germs."

"Yes." Yun Jin finally got off Shen Jiwei and said, "That's a very disgusting man. He must have germs in his teeth, so he should use this medicine."

She couldn't help nausea when she thought of Zou Liqi.

Shen Jiwei said to the doctor: "You go down first."

The doctor left, he put Yunjin in his arms and gave her a big **** twice.

"What are you doing?" Yun Jin said aggrievedly, "I'm still wounded..."

"When you meet a man like Zou Liqi, you still go head-on, should you fight?"


"No but!" Shen Jiwei said fiercely, "When you encounter such a situation in the future, stay away from him and you are not allowed to do it yourself, you know?"

Yun Jin nodded: "I know."

"Don't think that if you have learned it, you can fight a man. Sometimes a man's strength is so great that you can't imagine it, and it is not at the same level as a woman."

"Don't look down on women, I have seen many women who can beat men." Yun Jin was not convinced, such as Yun Wei, such as Qiao Qiao, they are more than countless men.

"I'm talking about objective facts. Otherwise, how could you get hurt?"

Yun Jin lowered his head.

Shen Jiwei pinched her chin: "Unhappy?"

"Of course. The wound is already very painful, you have to come and spread salt."

Shen Jiwei raised his lips: "Stay here for two days."

Not a suggestion, but a direct request.

"Isn't that illegal cohabitation?" Yun Jin immediately raised his head in reflex.

"What is illegal cohabitation?" Shen Jiwei laughed. "If you are my girlfriend, you stay here and I take care of you. It is logical."

Yun Jin said softly when she heard these words, "But I am not your girlfriend yet."

Shen Jiwei knelt in front of her on one knee and took out a beautiful tail ring: "Then Miss Lu Yunjin, I now formally request you to be my girlfriend, okay?"

Yun Jin smiled slightly, reached out his hand to take it, and said shyly: "All right."

Shen Jiwei embraced her and covered her lips heavily.

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