Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2272: Help you wash

Yun Jin pushed him: "It hurts..."

"Does the wound still hurt?" Shen Jiwei was heartbroken and let her go.

"Yeah," Yun Jin nodded slightly.

"I call the doctor over." Shen Jiwei said immediately.

Yun Jin shook his head: "No, I'll just take a rest. It doesn't hurt too much."

Shen Jiwei held up her hand, placed it on her lips, blew gently, and raised her eyes slightly: "Now?"

He already has a very cold and stern attitude, but when doing such small things for her, he appears very considerate.

Looking at him, Yun Jin couldn't help being stunned, thinking of his father and elder brother, she would treat herself like this.

Both father and eldest brother are serious and cold, but being gentle can drown people.

Yun Jin envied her mother and Qiao Qiao, and dreamed that she would find such a man.

Now when Shen Jiwei was in front of her, she felt as if she had gained a lot of things, and then felt that the moment was unreal.

"Does it still hurt?" Seeing her not paying attention, Shen Jiwei pinched her red ears.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Yun Jin shrank his neck shyly.

Shen Jiwei stretched out his hand, covered her forehead with a big palm, and said, "I don't have a fever either, it's not a big problem."

Yun Jin is very attached, leaning her forehead against his palm, docile as a little kitten.

Shen Jiwei hooked his lips, her attachment made him reluctant to remove his hand.

But when he lowered his eyes to see her dirty clothes, Shen Jiwei pulled her up: "I will take you to the bath first."

Yun Jin also noticed the stains on her body. When she hit someone just now, she got all dirty and got a lot of wine stains. This body was really bearable.

Shen Jiwei put hot water in, he took the bathrobe and handed it to her.

Yun Jin blushed and entered his bathroom. He was about to close the door. He stretched out his hand to stop him, and naturally followed him.

"Hey, what are you going to do?" Yun Jin's eyes widened.

"Help you take a bath." Shen Jiwei naturally began to undress.

Yun Jin concluded: "But you...I...we..."

"I left you here to take care of you. If you don't take a bath, it's a care. You are like this, can you wash it?"

Yun Jin has not thought about this issue just now.

She immediately said, "Isn't there a maid downstairs? Anyone can help."

"I don't want to." Shen Jiwei refused. "Either you wash it yourself or I wash it for you."

"No!" Yun Jin's face flushed at the thought.

Shen Jiwei stepped forward and hugged her waist.

Yunjin bit her lip unnaturally.

"Don't bite me." He stretched out his finger and touched her lips, freeing her from the teeth.

"I'll wash it for you." In the end, it was Shen Jiwei who made the decision.


He interrupted her: "It's a big deal I close my eyes."

He took the towel in his hand, tied it to his eyes, and told Yun Jin with his movements that he would not mess with anything.

Yun Jin believed it and nodded: "Yeah."

Shen Jiwei fumbled for her to take off her clothes, and Yun Jin got into the foam in the bathtub.

The delicate and rich foam made her feel good, but the only bad thing was that she had to wait to keep her palms away from water.

Shen Jiwei picked up the towel and helped her take a bath.

Although he covered his eyes, Yun Jin was still uncomfortable.

In fact, Yun Jin did not reject him that night, and even began to accept him gradually during the mutual contact during this time.

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