But that night, Yunjin had no memory at all, and many things were vague.

Now she was touched by him, her heartbeat was so fast, the strange feeling made her too embarrassed to open her eyes.

She is usually neat and generous, but how can she not have the mentality of a little girl in front of a man she likes?

She closed her eyes, afraid to look at his handsome face, afraid to see anything.

Fortunately, he was still covering his eyes, otherwise, she couldn't imagine what she would be ashamed.

Shen Jiwei groped to help her take a bath, and it was naturally uncomfortable to feel this way.

Before Yun Jin, he had never had a woman, nor did he feel that he needed a woman.

All his energy is devoted to his career.

But after eating the marrow and knowing the taste, how can he tolerate it so easily?

During this time, he also endured it long enough, just to let her accept herself unsuspectingly.

Unwinding the towel covering his eyes, Shen Jiwei saw Yunjin shyly close her eyes, her long eyelashes flickering slightly, and she did not dare to face all this before her eyes.

There was a smile on the corner of his lips, looking at the foam print, she cheated Saixue's white and greasy skin.

While helping her wash, he admired the beautiful scene in front of him.

She is as beautiful as a jewel, so she can't take her eyes away.

Yun Jin opened her eyes suddenly, and saw that he was staring at herself for a moment, and her black eyes were even stained with lust. She cried out in surprise: "Shen Jiwei, you are shameless..."

Shen Jiwei grabbed her palms one step ahead of her, not allowing her to cover her chest.

"Hey..." Yun Jin was anxious to punch him.

His voice has become very dark and muffled: "It will hurt you if you get wet."

"That's not why you look at me..." Yun Jin yelled anxiously.

But before he finished shouting, he was blocked by a deep kiss.

Yun Jin said "Well", and Shen Jiwei had already bullied herself up and pressed her into the bathtub.

He has always been a slaying courageous person who doesn't know what hesitates to shrink back. He has had a lot of repetitions and waits for Yunjin. At this moment, if he doesn't eat her, he is afraid his blood vessels will burst and die.

As his kiss deepened, Yun Jin's resistance became weaker and weaker.

Why don't you have a dislike for him?

Unlike the feelings that anyone brings to her, he is undoubtedly the most special and distinctive one.

Yun Jin instinctively did not want to resist him, but her education since childhood, and as a girl, there is no way to naturally accept such things before marriage.

"Yunjin..." Shen Jiwei called her name, his voice hoarse.

His voice is more tender and sweet: "Yunjin, good..."

Yun Jin is dizzy, but feels a lot of sweetness, accepting his kiss, accepting the whole of him.

This is a completely different feeling from her previous time.

She didn't remember what happened last time.

And this time, she understood what kind of happiness it is to be a woman.

And this kind of happiness can only be given by him, and she can be sure that she will repel and resist when she changes to any other man.

She didn't know how she got out of the bathroom.

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